  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 錢紀明


國立台灣師範大學體育研究所碩士論文台北縣國中生休閒運動參與傾向與場地設施及休閒參與機會之關聯性研究研究生:江書良 指導教授:錢紀明摘要本研究旨在探討國中生參與休閒運動傾向與場地設施及休閒參與機會之關聯性,進而提供學校充實場地設施、休閒機會以及發展休閒運動課程的參考。研究對象為台北縣國中生,以自編休閒運動參與傾向調查表,進行問卷調查與文獻資料分析,根據實際所得資料,分別以描述統計、假設檢定、皮爾森積差相關、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料統計與分析,結果發現:台北縣國中生一、實際參與休閒運動之項目,前十項依序為籃球、單車、慢跑、野外、羽球、水上、排球、溜冰、桌球、撞球。二、最想參與的休閒運動、最急迫充實的場地設施需求、最期待的休閒參與機會前九項目,除舞蹈與單車外,其餘八項為,保齡、野外、水上、技擊、網球、溜冰、羽球、撞球。三、場地設施與休閒參與機會是阻礙休閒運動參與的因素之一。四、性別、年級、社團、學業成績、零用錢、鄉鎮市等重要預測變項,對學生的休閒運動傾向,均呈現顯著差異。五、休閒運動參與傾向確實與休閒參與機會滿意度及場地設施滿意度有低至中度的相關,分別具有31﹪與21﹪解釋實際參與休閒運動的變異量。關鍵字:國中生、休閒運動、休閒運動傾向、休閒運動場地設施、休閒參與機會 Dissertation of the Graduate Institute of P.E., National Taiwan Normal University Correlative study on leisure sports participation inclination, leisure sports ground facility, and leisure participating opportunity of Taipei county junior high school Graduate school student: Chiang Shu-Liang Instructing professor: Chian Chi-Ming Summary This study aims to discuss the correlation of leisure sports participation inclination, leisure sports ground facility, and leisure sports courses of junior high school students, further to provide reference for schools concerning field facility, leisure opportunity and developing leisure sports courses. The research subjects are junior high school students of Taipei County. This study uses questionnaire and documentation analysis based on leisure sports participating inclination survey designed by the author, and descriptive statistics, assumption examination, Pearson's product-moment correlation, t-test, Single Factor ANOVA etc. statistic methods to carry out data statistics and analysis, and the results find that: junior high school students of Taipei County I.Concerning items of actually participating in, the top ten include basketball, bicycle, jogging, field, badminton, water sports, volleyball, skating, table tennis, and billiards in order. II.For the top ten items that they want to participate in most, field facility requirement that they want to supplement most urgently, and the leisure sports plan that they expect most are bowling, field, water, boxing, tennis, skating, badminton, and billiards, other than dancing and bicycle. III.Field facility and course participation opportunities are one of the main factors that may block leisure sports participating. IV.Sex, grade, society, school work performance, pocket money, Hsing, town and city etc. important forecasting variants, all show obvious difference concerning students’ leisure sports inclination. V.There are indeed low to middle correlation at 31% and 21% respectively between leisure sports participating inclination and leisure sports course (participation) satisfaction and field facilities satisfaction, to explain the difference of actually participating in leisure sports. Keywords: junior high school students, leisure sports, leisure sports inclination, leisure sports field facilities, leisure participating opportunity


Dissertation of the Graduate Institute of P.E., National Taiwan Normal University Correlative study on leisure sports participation inclination, leisure sports ground facility, and leisure participating opportunity of Taipei county junior high school Graduate school student: Chiang Shu-Liang Instructing professor: Chian Chi-Ming Summary This study aims to discuss the correlation of leisure sports participation inclination, leisure sports ground facility, and leisure sports courses of junior high school students, further to provide reference for schools concerning field facility, leisure opportunity and developing leisure sports courses. The research subjects are junior high school students of Taipei County. This study uses questionnaire and documentation analysis based on leisure sports participating inclination survey designed by the author, and descriptive statistics, assumption examination, Pearson's product-moment correlation, t- test, Single Factor ANOVA etc. statistic methods to carry out data statistics and analysis, and the results find that: junior high school students of Taipei County I.Concerning items of actually participating in, the top ten include basketball, bicycle, jogging, field, badminton, water sports, volleyball, skating, table tennis, and billiards in order. II.For the top ten items that they want to participate in most, field facility requirement that they want to supplement most urgently, and the leisure sports plan that they expect most are bowling, field, water, boxing, tennis, skating, badminton, and billiards, other than dancing and bicycle. III.Field facility and course participation opportunities are one of the main factors that may block leisure sports participating. IV.Sex, grade, society, school work performance, pocket money, Hsing, town and city etc. important forecasting variants, all show obvious difference concerning students’ leisure sports inclination. V.There are indeed low to middle correlation at 31% and 21% respectively between leisure sports participating inclination and leisure sports course ( participation) satisfaction and field facilities satisfaction, to explain the difference of actually participating in leisure sports. Keywords: junior high school students, leisure sports, leisure sports inclination, leisure sports field facilities, leisure participating opportunity






