  • 學位論文


A Study of Instructional Design to Construct an Internet Web-based Course about Chinese Register and Its Culture

指導教授 : 信世昌


語言與文化的關係至為密切,特別是受到文化因素影響下的語體交際,這是依憑著標的語交際文化的作用,而必須採取因時因地因人而使用的語體。漢語文化影響下,語體型式可大分固化式的書面語體以及動態性的口語表達。學習語言技能的聽說讀寫譯之外,將文化導入語言課程的教學乃是必要的手段。本研究發現,學習者對於文化的學習極具學習興趣,咸認為漢文化牽動了交際語體的選擇,故欲得體地使用華語,在華語文課程中於漢文化層面的揭示教學,則是教學過程中極重要的一環。 華語是世界上使用人口數最多的語言,且以華語文學習者遍布全球與學習者背景差異之大的情形來看,網路科技運用於教學乃是最佳的選擇。外語學習時最困難的瓶頸,在於無法正確地溝通,尤其是對於語境或語用的解讀失誤,錯用了標的語言的型式。華語學習者在初中級階段,適逢易產生文化衝擊的時候,也正需要交際文化的指引。本論文中係以探討漢語語體與文化的關係為內容,語言課程設計為研發的核心,以網路課程為手段工具,設計情境式的、組織學習社群的、與泛讀泛寫為學習方法的一套華語課程教學。 本研發從相關文獻探討與應用,並評比現有的相關教學資源,建立網路華語語體及文化課程之設計模式,藉由線上初試,獲取對未來實驗與再循環修正發展的啟示。教學流程中以策略教學帶動學習者建構式的知識與文化學習,與線上教師同儕間組成學習社群,進行寫作活動的文化交流與認知學徒制式的漢語語言文化學習,於泛讀與泛寫的活動中,加強學習者能夠正確地輸出華語語體。 本研究針對網路華語語體與文化課程教學設計進行探討,確認其重要性。實際的課程製作發展,則以節俗文化中的中國「年節」節慶為單元教學設計之範圍,運用系統化教學設計課程,以華語的語體與文化為內容,網路科技為工具,從分析、評比參考相關資料、建立整體網頁課程環境、編寫網頁教材實作、撰寫教學手冊與指引、到初測修正與使用者訪談意見等等步驟,強調理論與實際兼顧,並於過程中一一找出困難與問題癥結,加以克服,或以為借鑑,提出本研發之結論與建議,盼能提供教學界與學術界於未來設計相關的華語語體及文化課程之參考。


Language and culture influence each other, especially the respect that the registered (stylistic) communication influenced by culture. Speech intercourse of register forms is according as that, where and when to be happened, whom talked to, and the like. Chinese styles affected by its culture could be divided into two main sorts. One is written forms that are fixed and the other is oral that are alterative. As stated above, it is necessary that the language course should be designed with closely immersion injecting instructing its cultural factors. After my researching, it is true that TCSL’s learners are more interested in learning Chinese culture. Nowadays, the people who learn Chinese as second language are so mass and widespread in the world. There are a lot of differences in Chinese-learning background between them. It is a better choice that learning Chinese or getting Chinese teaching materials is by Internet technology. Besides, to break through the bottlenecks, for example, culture shock, of learning second language, it is important that learners can understand the context and can decode speakers’ meanings or intentions on pragmatic dimension between lines or in conversations. The study aims to do the research about interrelations of Chinese and its culture. And then, the main development of the curriculum is to establish an Internet web-course model in which adapts some theories, such as constructivism, situated learning, meaningful process-oriented writing, learning community, cognitive apprenticeship, and teaching & learning strategies by systematic instructional design. In this thesis, I first do the literature review, and then evaluate some concerning teaching resources-- some Internet Web-courses, learning CDs, and textbooks. Furthermore, I have made a teaching unit, “Chinese New Year”, to undergo the following pilot study. In the course, the core activities are that learners have to surf more materials in some webs expect the web-course and then post their articles (assignments). Teachers on-line and students have to discuss Chinese and its culture regarding each other. By means of the pilot study, I’ve received many suggestions and derive inspiration to revise my course designing. The results and suggestions I attained are displayed in the final. Moreover, the experience and the experimental results could also benefit others, not only TCSL but also language teaching.


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