  • 學位論文

台灣女性陶藝家連寶猜生命史研究 -陶藝、生命力、社會文化

The study of the life stories that the female ceramic artist Lien, Pao – Tsai in Taiwan Ceramic Life force Social culture

指導教授 : 陳雪雲


台灣女性陶藝家連寶猜生命史研究 -陶藝、生命力、社會文化 摘要 本研究旨在探究台灣女性陶藝家連寶猜生命史歷程,藉由研究對象個人的重要生命經驗,論述個人生命力量所能影響的層面: 一、探究藝術家造己、造人所展現的生命力。 二、探究藝術家如何活化社會文化,社會文化如何深化藝術家的生命。 三、論述台灣社會文化工作者之典範。 四、透過藝術家的重要生命經驗,探究人生命的本質。 本研究採質性研究方法中的文件分析、深度訪談等資料蒐集策略 ,來進行個體生命經驗的研究。研究中以文件分析資料,建構深度訪談主題,透過「重要生命經驗」、「藝術創作學習歷程」、「藝術創作風格」、「陶源精舍陶藝教學」、「社會文化事件」五項主題軸,作為進行研究對象重要生命經驗的訪談、生命敘說時之軸線。研究資料之整理與分析採三角檢定法(triangulation)相互佐證分析,以便對研究對象之生命經驗有完整性、正確性之探究。 從女性陶藝家連寶猜的生命敘說為基調進行資料的詮釋發現: 一、就藝術學習歷程而言,藝術家追求藝術生命成長的歷程中,她不僅成就自己的藝術創作生命,開展自我生命潛能,更造就他人的藝術生命,豐富他人生命的內涵。 二、就藝術創作內涵而言,可以發現藝術家悲天憫人的關注社會的種種晦暗現象,甚至生、老、病、死,她都一一面對。藝術家卻以光明的心,藉由藝術的創作來承載世間的一切「苦」,期望透過藝術淨化人們心中的「苦」。 三、就藝術家的社會文化影響力而言:在「歷史之心」裝置藝術展事件,藝術家內心的自覺,以女性的韌性與母性的勇氣,表現在面對自己的藝術創作良知上,走該走的路。她深知文化的反思與創新並非平坦的路,在「國泰民安」的公共藝術創作,藝術家以獨特創作風格與創新藝術文化的勇氣,激發地方文化再新的對話契機,活化當地社會文化問題的思考。 綜觀之,藝術家經歷的重要生命經驗,形成她生命中的核心價值 ,引領她生命的方向,對自我藝術創作的追求心、對學生的藝術教學熱誠、對社會文化傳承創新的使命感、甚至對芸芸眾生的觀照,都是她生命中殷切的信念。她深知「藝術度人心」並非一條容易的路,但她內心最深沉、最溫熱的力量,來自於她深信「人的生命有無限的可能」。 關鍵字:女性 陶藝 生命史 生命力 社會文化


女性 陶藝 生命力 生命史 社會文化


The study of the life stories that the female ceramic artist Lien, Pao – Tsai in Taiwan Ceramic Life force Social culture Abstract This study is aimed to explore the aspects that the ceramic female artist Lien, Pao-Tsai in Taiwan has influenced by way of her individual life forces based on some important life experiences of this subject. 1.Explore the life force that this artist has shown by establishing herself and other people up. 2.Explore how an artist should do to enliven a social culture and how can a social culture deepen an artist’s life. 3.Illustrate the model of a cultural worker in Taiwan. 4.Explore the nature of human life by way of the artist’s important life experiences. Adopting some measures of data collecting for a qualitative methodology such as documentary analysis and depth interviews etc., it has conducted a study of individual life experiences. During this research, with data from documentary analysis, construction of deep interview for topics, five topics axles of “important life experiences”, “learning history of artistic creation”, “art creative style”, “ceramic lessons at Ceramic House”, and ”social and cultural events” have been based to be the five basic axles when conducting interviews about important life experiences of the subject and her life stories. The sorting-out and analysis of the research data has been cross-examined and –analyzed triangulation in order to have a complete and accurate study of the subject’s life experiences. Based on the life stories of the female ceramic artist Lien, Pao-Tsai, we have found some results after interpreting these data: 1.As far as an artistic learning history is concerned, during the process when an artist pursues the growth of his artistic life, it seems that she not only achieves her artistic and creative life by fully developing the potentials of her own life, she has also help others achieve their artistic lives by enriching others’ lives. 2.As far as an the content of artistic creation is concerned, it is found that the artist’s sympathetic with various kinds of darkness in this society that even birth, aging, sickness and death she deals with that one by one. As an artist of a heart full of light, she helps carry all kinds of “sufferings” in the in the mundane world by way of artistic creation, hoping to purify the pain in people’s hearts by way of art. 3.As far as the social and cultural influences of an artist is concerned, in the “Heart of History” exhibition of decorative art, through internal awakening of an artist and with female resilience and maternal courage, she has demonstrated the way that she should take under her artistic and creative conscience. She knows that the reflection and recreation of culture is not an easy path. In the creation for public art known as ”National Prosperity and People Security”, the artist has inspired a chance for dialogues about renewal of local culture and enlivened the thinking about cultural issues of the local society with her unique creative style and courage of renovating artistic culture. Combined with above, it is found that the important life experiences of this artist has formed the core values of her life guiding her direction and her pursuit for self artistic creation, enthusiasm for artistic teachings for the students, and mission about handing down and renovation of the social culture, even her concerns about the general public are the firm beliefs of her life. It is known to her that “transcend human hearts with art” is not an easy path, yet the deepest and the warmest power from the bottom of her heart is coming from her belief that “human life has unlimited possibilities”. Key word:Female Ceramic Life force Life story Social culture


Female Ceramic Life force Life story Social culture


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王信凱(2007)。從微光裡看見豔彩 ── 一位視覺障礙運動員的生命故事〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2910200810545102
