  • 學位論文


The study on the Motivation and Job Satisfaction of Return to Rural Volunteers-As a case of Rural Communities in Yunlin

指導教授 : 梁大慶


在工商業蓬勃發展與都市化成形的風潮下,農村人力外流日益嚴重,使得人口結構產生明顯的變化;弱勢的農村反而需要更多人力來投入及參與社區事務,來改善農村長期缺乏經營與建設的狀況;而曾在其他地方服務或工作的人力,因故返鄉後志願參與農村事務,並且服務自己鄉里成為社區志工,近年已漸漸成為農村社區重要的人力資源。回鄉志工運用之前在外地工作的經驗,也帶給社區多元化的能力,並協助社區解決困難;同樣的,志工也可以從服務的過程中獲得滿足。因此本研究探討可提供農村社區最大幫助的人力資源(回鄉志工)參與社區服務之動機與工作滿足情形。深入探究回鄉志工原在外地其返鄉之因素、參與農村事務動機及在服務後所得的工作滿足,及其動機與滿足之間的相關性。由此研究實證之結果,發掘回鄉實際因素,提供相關單位參考,鼓勵更多在外地工作的人回鄉服務,並挽回台灣城鄉發展的平衡。 本研究係以雲林縣參與農村再生計畫之回鄉志工為研究對象,共發出有效問卷385份,將調查所得資料加以統計分析與研究,獲得以下結論: 一、回鄉志工之參與動機因年齡、有無其他志工經驗、服務年資、每月服務時數而有所差異。 二、回鄉志工之工作滿足因年齡、有無其他志工經驗、服務年資、每月服務時數而有所差異。 三、參與動機之原因構面而言,以「社會責任」為最高(4.48);而以「未來報償」為最低(3.66),顯示參與志工並不是為了換取利益,反而是為社會公益為主要的動機和目標。 四、在志工所獲得的工作滿足構面上,以「自我成長」為所獲得的評值為最高(4.19);而在「福利與關懷」方面是相對最低的(4.44)。 五、根據回鄉志工在參與動機與工作滿足間具有高度相關(皮爾森相關係數為0.716),顯示參與動機越強,具有正面的相關,其工作滿足也越高。


In Commerce and industry under the trend of rapid development and urbanization, rural labor outflow increasing, make significant changes in population structure. But needs more manpower to devote to vulnerable rural areas and participation in community affairs. To improve the situation of lack of long term management and construction in rural areas. Has served in other places or human, Returning volunteers after rural affairs, and service their own village community volunteers, rural community has become important in recent years in human resources. In their hometowns volunteer experience before applying to work in the field, also the ability to bring diverse communities, and to help communities solve their problems. Similarly, volunteers can also get satisfaction from the service of process. Therefore this study can provide rural communities the most helpful human resources (home visit volunteers) participant motivation and job satisfaction and community service. Delve into original home visit with volunteers in the field the home factor, participation in rural affairs, motivation and job satisfaction gained from its services, and the correlation between motivation and satisfaction. Thus empirical results, explore practical factors in their hometowns and provide related reference, encourage more people back to work in the field of service and save Taiwan balance urban and rural development. This study is based on participation return home in rural Yunlin County regeneration plan for the study volunteers, issued a total of 385 valid questionnaires,statistical analysis and research the information obtained from the survey can be obtained following the conclusion: 1. Volunteers are involved in motivation return home due to age, with or without other volunteer experience, years of service, the monthly service hours vary. 2. Volunteers work to meet return home because of age, with or without other volunteer experience, years of service, the monthly service hours vary. 3. The reason for the dimensions in terms of motivation, a "social responsibility" as the highest (4.48); while a "future compensation" as the lowest (3.66), indicating the volunteers not to participate in exchange for benefits, but is for the public welfare as the main motives and goals. 4. Obtained in volunteer work satisfaction dimension to "personal growth" as the highest rating value obtained (4.19); while in the "welfare and care" aspect is relatively the lowest (4.44). 5. According to return home volunteers participating motivation and job satisfaction are highly correlated (Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.716), indicating stronger motivation, a positive correlation, the higher their job satisfaction.


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