  • 學位論文


Exploring the Differences of Life Adjustment among Female Inmates: A Comparsion between Prisoners and Suspects

指導教授 : 賴擁連 許華孚


摘要 近年性別主流的議題影響女性受刑人在監生活適應情形與成因研究,已獲重視,但女性被告在所的生活監適應情形,國內外則付之闕如。本研究以女性收容人生活適應模式與相關預測因子,針對女性受刑人與女性被告比較分析,研究兩種不同身分的女性收容人在違規行為、生理不適應與心理憂鬱症狀等之異同及成因,並探討其處遇對策,提供建議。本研究以自陳問卷調查,針對法務部矯正署所屬的女子監獄、女子看守所與看守所附設女所等女性收容人計700人實地發放問卷,進行施測,共計649份,進行相關統計分析。 研究發現,女性受刑人或被告,其違規行為無顯著差異,但女性受刑人在生理不適應經驗顯著大於女性被告,其服刑期間的心理憂鬱感受程度亦顯著大於女性被告。女性受刑人以中年族群、入監前無工作者在監適應較差;女性被告以年紀較輕、高中(職)畢(肄)業者、入監前有工作者、無子女者在監適應較差。犯罪特性方面,女性受刑人在服刑1年以上~4年未滿、暴力犯罪者、入監次數愈多、有毒品前科者在監適應較差;女性被告在羈押6月以上~2年未滿、毒品犯犯罪者、有毒品及暴力前科者在監適應較差。就監禁壓力,女性受刑人與被告有環境壓力及人際壓力感受者,在監適應較差。社會支持方面,女性受刑人有家人及管教人員支持者,在監適應較好;女性被告有家人、同儕及管教人員支持者,在監適應較好。至於女性收容人形成虛擬家庭或同性戀行為,無論是受刑人或被告,均表達出不顯著的現象。 建議如下:女性受刑人需改善監所環境設備以減緩監禁壓力,持續推行法治教育及品格、生命教育課程,加強與家庭情感的連結與聯繫,提昇管教人員支持的功能。女性被告需加強就業輔導及就業資訊之提供,看守所內增設社工師及臨床心理師,提供被告法律諮詢管道與服務,推行藝文教育並廣設才藝班別以及矯正當局應持正面角度看待同性戀行為。 關鍵字: 女性收容人、生活適應、監禁壓力、社會支持、看守所




Abstract Due to the impact of gender mainstreaming on correctional field over the past decade, the issue of incarceration adjustment among women has been explored. Unfortunately, the female suspects’ life adjustment in jails has been disproportionately over looked at the same time. Heeding to the echoes from the exiting literature, this study attempts the fill the gap by exploring the differences of life adjustment between female prisoners and suspects. Also, the research models and significant influential predictors which have been developed from the western society were applied to Taiwanese women correctional settings. Using data with 649 respondents collected from women prisons and women jails, the findings indicated that, unexpectedly, female suspects significantly reported higher levels of physical maladjustment and mental depression than their counterparts, female prisoners. There was no difference over misconduct behaviors between these two comparative groups. At the same time, while record history, incarceration stress, interpersonal stress, family support, and staff support were significantly related to life adjustment among female prisoners, only incarceration stress and interpersonal stress produced significant impact on female suspects across misconduct behaviors, physical maladjustment, and mental depression. Respondents’ characteristics and criminal background factors produced varied and inconsistent associations with their life adjustment both in prisons and jails. Some unique discussions and policy implications also have been addressed for correctional agency and managers in the final section. Keywords: female inmates, life adjustment, incarceration stress, social support, jail


life adjustment


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