  • 學位論文


The Study of Using TAM to Explore the Relationship between Travel APPs and Place Attachment

指導教授 : 黃靖淑


隨著行動上網風氣日漸普及,使用者可隨時隨地上網下載行動應用程式以解決資訊需求,目前國人對於休閒旅行觀念已臻成熟,旅遊產業之興盛及透過網路通路提供服務的轉型更顯示出行動旅遊資訊開發之重要性及商業價值。 過去研究證實科技接受模式作為解釋個人使用新科技產品之使用意圖具有良好的代表性,故本研究的目的是使用科技接受模式為測量模型,探討行動旅遊資訊應用程式使用者對行動旅遊資訊應用程式的知覺有用性、知覺易用性及知覺有趣性會對其使用態度上有何影響,並探究使用者的使用態度與影響地方依附的程度及其影響關係。 本研究經驗證分析顯示,行動旅遊資訊應用程式的旅遊資訊豐富度對知覺有用性、知覺易用性及知覺有趣性有正向的影響;在行動旅遊資訊應用程式使用過程中,由於消費者無法看到觸摸或體驗產品,往往無法產生信任感或購買行為,因此如果在使用操作過程中能增加消費者的知覺有用、易用與有趣性,則可正向提升使用態度。另外,行動旅遊資訊應用程式使用態度對地方依附有正向影響,表示使用者的使用態度越正向良好則對旅遊目的地能提供便利的設施與功能越認同,進而滿足個人需求並產生情感聯繫與歸屬感。


Previous researches have verified that using the technology acceptance model can be a very illustrative method to well explain an individual’s intention of using new technology tools. Therefore, this study discusses the use of the technology acceptance model as a tool to investigate how the perceived usefulness, perceived ease and perceived playfulness properties of the mobile travel information app affect the user’s attitude toward it. Furthermore, the study also explores the influence on users’ attitude and the degree of place dependence, and their interaction. By confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), this study shows that the abundant travel info provided by mobile travel info app has a positive effect on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived playfulness. While travel information APP is being used, users can’t experience the product, so they are unable to produce a sense of trust or buying behavior. Therefore, during the course of operating the APP, if the consumer perceived usefulness, ease of use and playfulness can be increased, consumers’ using attitude can also be enhanced positively. This study was expected to provide these results for future reference of the related technologies, to make it more consistent with the market demand and extend its use more widely. In addition, the fact that the using attitude of the mobile travel info APP has a positive effect on place dependence signifies that the more positive the users’ using attitude is, they are more likely to agree that the travel destination can provide convenient facilities and functions. Thus, their individual demands can be satisfied and an emotional connection and a sense of belonging can be generated as well.


TAM place attachment perceived playfulness


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