  • 學位論文


A Study of Adaptability Factors of Foreign Workers in Taiwan - A Case Study of Vietnamese workers

指導教授 : 張鐵軍 博士


台灣截至2016年5月底,在台外勞人數總計為 59萬6273人,其中越南籍勞工16萬8070人(占28,66%),而且這些越南外勞又主要分布在台灣的製造業。此外,2015年中印尼政府已通告2016年開始停止輸出外勞來台灣。面臨此一難題,台灣必須從別的國家引進外籍勞工,而目前越南外勞是台灣外勞的主要來源國。然而越南外勞來台工作之後,在適應上究竟有那些問題,實應加以探究。基此,本研究主旨係探討越南外勞來台之後,在工作與生活中面對哪些因素導致適應不良,進而影響其適應性。 本研究採用問卷調查方法,共發出300份問卷,回收 242份,有效問卷144份。研究結果顯示,越南外勞來台工作主要原因為該善家中經濟條件(65,28%),所以越南外勞喜歡加班的人數的比例很高(87.50%)。再以工作滿意度來說,外籍勞工若與雇主或主管互動良好,會帶動他在工作上的公平對待與調適,而在工作上得到公平對待時,外勞會更容易適應的,也會促進他跟雇主的互動及讓他對工作報酬感到滿意。其次,對生活滿意度來說,仲介的關懷對幫助外勞適應來台生活具有正向影響。整體而言,跟雇主、主管及同事的互動、仲介的關懷、工作報酬、公平對待與調適等因素對外勞之適應有正向之影響,其中先備經驗為負向之影響,因此部分台灣雇主不樂意雇用在越南有較多工作經驗之勞工。


Foreign labors in Taiwan up to the end of May, 2106 was counted as totally 590 thousand 6,273 people. Vietnam labors are 160 thousand 8,070 people(28.66% of all foreign workers). These labors are mainly deployed in manufacturing of Taiwan. Furthermore, Indonesia government already declared stopping to export their labors for Taiwan form 2016. In order solve this thorny affair Taiwan has to recruit foreign labors from other countries. Vietnam is the main labor resource of Taiwan. However, there are several adaptive issues need to be inspected while Vietnam labors are coming to Taiwan for working. Therefore, the objective of this research is searching and discussion what would be the key elements that result improper influence to Vietnam labors working and life. Then affect their adaptability. This research by using of questionnaire survey, there are 300 questionnaires were issued and got 242 questionnaires return. 144 documents are valid questionnaires. The research shows Vietnam foreign labors to work in Taiwan mainly due to improve family economic condition (65.28%). So that labors who willing to work over time have very high percentage (87.50%). For working satisfaction, if foreign labors and employer or supervisor have positive interactive, then it will lead him toward fairly treatment and adjustment. When labors get fairly treatment on job, he will has easier adaption; meanwhile, it will promote the interaction with employer and let labor satisfy with the reward. Secondly, for satisfaction of life, introduction agent’s concern will be helpful for positive affect of adaption. Generally speaking, employer, supervisor, colleague interaction, agency’s concern, reward, fairly treatment and adjustment are positive affect for foreign labors. Only pre experienced has negative affect. Therefore, some of Taiwan employers unwilling hire labors that have more working experience in Vietnam.


1. BishopM. (2005). Quality of life and psychosocial adaptation to chronic illness and disability preliminary analysis of a conceptual and theoretical synthesis. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 48(4), 219-231.


