  • 學位論文

政府採購法下購案排標作業之研究 —以國防研究機關為例—

Government Procurement Bidding Process - a case study on National Defense Group

指導教授 : 黃惠民


自「政府採購法」施行以來,即開宗明義宣示政府立法之精神,相較以往引用之審計法規更趨公平合理、公開透明,藉由建立採購基本規範,以提高採購效率,擴大國際活動空間,來提升國家地位,享有最惠國待遇,促進產業升級等。 國防研發機關在研發國防武器時,焦點大多放在採購品項取得之質、量及時程,並無針對採購人力方面作深入之研究,近年來國家財政愈來愈艱困,國防研發經費日益緊縮。未來,人員將隨國防部精進案之施行而縮編,本研究希望在不增加採購單位員額下,就現有人力資源,施以教育訓練,並運用模擬機制,作最佳且最有效之彈性運用,按時達成上級交付之採購任務,並做為日後辦理採購排標作業之參考。 排標作業中,基本假設之條件與模擬得出之數據吻合,故可藉由模擬機制及早因應,為彈性調派人力之依據,也可做為最遲於何時投入採購專業人力,或最早於何時抽出採購專業人力之決策基礎。


The legislation of the Government Procurement Act is a big step towards a more reasonable, open, fair, and transparent government bidding process. This is an important governmental legislation that ensures transparent bidding process right from the very beginning. By setting up the basic procurement rules, we can increase the efficiency of purchase and extend the scope for a fair international bidding; this will foster trust from other nations, and may allow us to enjoy a favorable treatment status. Moreover, a fair bidding process will result in a best business practice and discourage corruptions, thus we can indirectly improve the reputation of our nation. In the research and development of national defense weapons, the main focus is on the quality and delivery time; very little attention is given to the study on the human resource aspect of procurement. In recent years, due to tighter financial control, the budget for the research and development of national defense is shrinking. There will be a decreasing number of projects available. Therefore it is timely that we try to upgrade and improve the efficiency of our procurement staff through the study of the bidding process. In the bidding process, we assumed the same basic simulated statistical conditions. We then use simulation to test the process. The result will act as a basis for flexible personnel adjustment in the procurement staff human resource plan.


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