  • 學位論文


An Investigation on Turnover Intent of Custody Officers

指導教授 : 曾淑萍


2006年7月1日,與國際先進國家同步,我國正式邁向重刑化刑事政策的新紀元。隨著重刑犯陸續湧入監獄,造成戒護人員更嚴峻之考驗,不僅需面對較以往更大之工作壓力,其安全感也面臨威脅。但在此挑戰下,仍然有許多戒護同仁堅守崗位,犧牲奉獻並默默耕耘於戒護工作,吾人仍不禁要問:「他們有沒有興起過離開戒護工作的念頭呢? 」相較於美國對於戒護人員離職意向研究之汗牛充棟,我國這方面之研究長久以來未受過對等的重視。綜觀國內以實施重刑化刑事政策後,針對戒護人員離職意向之研究付之闕如,本研究旨在探討重刑化刑事政策背景下,戒護人員之工作壓力、工作危險性、工作滿意度、組織承諾彼此間之相關性及其對離職意向之預測力。 本研究於2011年4月間蒐集臺灣地區22個監所共900位戒護人員進行研究分析,共回收問卷868份(回收率為96.4%),其中有效問卷為799份,採用的統計方法包括:描述性分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜相關分析、多元迴歸分析,並就統計分析結果加以深入探究。 本研究得到以下結論: 一、現況分析:戒護人員相當支持懲罰模式,同時表達了相當高的工作壓力及工作危險性,反應工作滿意度偏低之情形,但對矯正機關之組織承諾屬尚佳,且心中多存有離職之意向或想法。 二、差異性分析:女性戒護人員較男性有較高之工作滿意度、男性戒護人員反應出較高之離職意向、學歷愈高者其福利滿意度及情感付出與成就感愈高、未婚者較支持懲罰模式、已婚者較願意對機關付出情感、年齡愈輕者愈支持懲罰模式且離職意向愈高、年長者有較佳之組織承諾、年資愈長者反應較大之工作壓力、職位愈低者其反應出之工作滿意度及組織承諾皆為不佳,且有較高之離職意向。 三、相關性分析:支持懲罰模式之戒護人員其表達了較大的工作壓力及認知較高工作危險性、較低的工作滿意度與較高之離職意向;支持矯治模式者則反應了較高的工作滿意度與組織承諾、較低的工作危險性與離職意向。 四、多元迴歸分析:學歷、工作危險性、福利滿意度對離職意向有顯著正向影響,職位、工作氣氛滿意度、組織承諾對離職意向有顯著負向影響。不過,不論支持懲罰或矯治模式之戒護人員對離職意向均未達顯著之預測力。 針對研究結果,本研究提出建議供矯正當局擬定相關策略之參考,於本研究後段一併討論之。


In the line with those developed countries, the Taiwanese correctional officers have suffered more challenges and pressures from their workplace after the “get-tough-on-crime policy” which has been enacted in July 2006. Under such a rigorous and struggling situation, although a plenty of line personnel still stick to their correctional positions, the researcher is curious about the question: “Have they ever thought about withdrawal from the correctional system?” Compared to US with a growing body of literature and research, the topic of turnover intent, unfortunately, has been largely overlooked in Taiwanese correctional system during the past decades. This study is the first one and attempts to explore the impact of job stress, job dangerousness, job satisfaction, organizational climate, and organizational commitment on turnover intent among correctional officers in a “get tough” era in Taiwan. Based on the extant literature, the researcher designed a self-administered questionnaire and distributed 900 copies to those custodial officers staffed in 16 prisons and 6 jails in April 2011. One month later, about 868 (response rate was 96.4%) questionnaires had been mailed back to researcher. After deleting those invalid ones, 799 respondents had been used in the final analysis. In addition, for the purpose of this study, descriptive statistics, independent- sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and the multiple regressions were employed appropriately. The results indicated: 1.While most respondent highly supported a more punitive strategy toward inmates, they also addressed high levels of job stress and job dangerousness. As a result, those who reported higher levels of supporting punitive strategy and lower levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment addressed the higher levels of turnover intent. 2.In terms of difference analysis, female officers perceived higher levels of job satisfaction, but males reported a high level of turnover intent; meanwhile, the rookie, young, and line personnel also reported high levels of turnover intent. 3.With respect to correlation analysis, supporting punitive strategy, job stress, and job dangerousness were positively associated with turnover intent, whereas supporting rehabilitative strategy, job satisfaction, organizational climate, and organizational commitment were negatively related to turnover intent. 4.Based on the analysis of multiple regressions, while education, job dangerousness, welfare satisfaction, organization climate, and organizational commitment had a great impact on turnover intent among those correctional officers, unfortunately, correctional orientation (supporting punitive strategy vs. supporting rehabilitative strategy) failed to produce a significant association with turnover intent in this study. Finally, policy implications and limitations also have been discussed in the final chapter accordingly.




邱景昇(2017)。矯正機關戒護人員領導風格、工作壓力與工作 績效相關研究〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0028-0906201700094600
