  • 學位論文


Our country all the people defense education promotes the research - take the social education as an example

指導教授 : 王高成


為實踐全民國防理念,我國於民國94年2月2日制定<全民國防教育法>,並於民國95年2月1日正式施行,期能透過全民性的國民教育,增進全民之國防知識及全民防衛意識,使全民在心理上認同國防,在行動上支持及參與國防,以健全國防發展,確保國家安全。 而「全民國防」就是一個國家總體戰力的表現,它就是要運用國家整體支援,軍民一體,結合有形與無形的力量,融合物資戰力和精神戰力,發揮軍力、民力、物力和精神戰力的綜合國力已抵外侮,維護國家安全。 社會教育的推動,以結合各地方政府行政機關、社教機構、民間團體、企業部門等管道,開發教育資源,營造全民國防教育多元化教育機制為目的。而我國在全民國防教育社會教育的推展部份,雖已經歷六年的推展與執行,但因社會教育涵蓋廣泛,故希望研究新的施教作法,能有效的、因地制宜的施教到每一個人的身上。


全民國防 社會教育


The Law of All-Out Defense Education was drafted in Feb. 2, 2005 and executed from Feb.1, 2006 for the purpose of fulfill the idea of All-Out Defense. By conducting the universal national education to enhance national’s national defense knowledge and all-out defense awareness. It also encourages the national to recognize the national defense as well as to support it in person, and furthermore to sound the national defense development and ensure the national security. In the other hand, The All-Out Defense is the representation of overall combat capability. It means to utilize the whole national resources, to combine civilian with military and visible with invisible material. In the same time, to safeguard the national security by defending the invasion with integrated National power of military, civilian, material resources and spiritual power. The purposes for conducting social education are to integrate channels of local government administrative organs, social education institutions, civilian groups and enterprises, develop educational resources as well as to diversify All-Out Defense Education system. In our country, we have already been executing the social education of All-Out Defense Education for more than six years. Since the social educations relate extensive levels, I want to research & develop a brand new educational method that is more effective and suitable for individuals.


All-out Defense social education




