  • 學位論文

中高齡者太極拳休閒活動之研究: 以桃園縣為例

The Research of Tai-Chi Chuan, The Recreation Activity for middle-aged person and advanced age person: Take Taoyuan County As an Example

指導教授 : 陳燕禎


摘 要 近年來,由於台灣社會各方面都有長足的進步,使得人民的生活水準都大幅的提升,伴隨者經濟的起飛,大家除了基本的溫飽之外,更開始關注我門的週遭四周。其中「休閒活動」可以促進身體健康、心理調適與社會互動,使人們的生活品質更加提昇。 研究者平時就對「中高齡者」與「太極拳」這兩個議題有濃烈的興趣,故以「中高齡者太極拳休閒活動之研究--以桃園縣為例」為主題來進行研究。本研究以質性研究中的深度訪談方法做研究,經過資料篩選,共計訪問八個個案,其中四名為太極拳教練、四名為太極拳學員,依據相關理論來探究這些練習太極拳學員的身體、心理與社會之互動關係。 研究結果顯示,由這些訪問資料進行分析,萃取出中高齡者在進行太極拳休閒活動時的研究發現共計四項:一、太極拳是中高齡者很好的休閒活動。二、太極拳養「氣」又養「生」,對身體有很好的幫助。三、太極拳強調「精」、「氣」、「神」三合一,有助於心理的調適。四、太極拳強調「圓」的人生,其義理重視人際互動。並提出建議與未來研究方向,最後整個人因為在練習太極拳的情形下,精、氣、神三方面都處在飽滿的情形中,使得人越發達到如太極圖一樣,就可以處在最佳狀態之下,達到圓滿的情形,進而發揮個人潛能,啟發創造力,提昇生命的意義與價值,最後達到無為而無不為的境界。


中高齡者 太極拳 休閒活動


ABSTRACT In recent years, due to all the great progress in many aspects of Taiwan society, especially the progress of our economy, people in Taiwan now pay more and more attention on issues that have close relation to our life. Among all the issues, “recreation activities” can promote our physical health, mental adjustment, social interactions, and our living quality. The researcher has been interested in the subjects about advanced ages and Tai-Chi Chuan, therefore, the title “The Research of Tai-Chi Chuan, The Recreation Activity for middle-aged person and advanced age person-Take Taoyuan County As an Example” is selected. The researcher found eight cases to adopt a deeper interview as an evaluative study. Four of them are Tai-Chi Chuan coaches, the other four are Tai-Chi Chuan members. The research is based on the related theories to investigate the interactive relations among physical, mental, and social aspects of the members who practice Tai-Chi Chuan. The result of study shows, after carefully studying and analyzing all the materials, the researcher concludes four findings about the advanced age’s participation in Tai-Chi Chuan as a recreation activity. One, Tai-Chi Chuan is a suitable recreation activity for the advanced age in Taiwan. Two, Tai-Chi Chuan develops “Chi” and “Breath”, which are helpful for the advanced age’s health. Three, Tai-Chi Chuan emphasizes on “Spirit”, “Chi”, and “Soul”, three in one, to reach a mental balance, which is positive for human. Four, Tai-Chi Chuan focuses on a “Round” life, which means a successful, satisfactory life through social interactions. The researcher practices Tai-Chi Chuan himself and through the process of practicing Tai-Chi Chuan and studying it to provide some directions for future studies, he has found that Tai-Chi Chuan indeed makes people full of energy, enable them to stimulate their creativities, to get a clear understanding of the meaning of life, and to accomplish their life purposes.


尚憶薇(1999)。〈推廣台灣老年休閒活動-以YMCA 的老年人休閒活動設計為借鏡〉,《中華體育》,第14期,頁77-84。


