  • 學位論文


An action research of play group as special educational approach in elementary school~ a story about a resource room teacher and her students with emotional and behavioral problems

指導教授 : 潘惠銘


本研究目的為發展國小情緒行為問題學童的遊戲團體介入方案和探討遊戲團體對國小情緒行為問題學童人際互動的影響,並探討研究者在本研究中的省思與成長,採取行動研究的方式進行,對象為一名亞斯伯格症和一名注意力缺陷過動症的四年級學童。在研究過程中,以訪談紀錄、觀察紀錄、錄影、研究日誌、反思札記、討論紀錄做為資料的蒐集,進行歸納、整理、分析後,結論如下: 一、情緒行為問題學童遊戲團體介入方案的發展與執行歷程:採納導師的建議尋找三名與個案特質相近的同儕參與遊戲團體,並從上課、下課時間的觀察發現介入的目標。遊戲團體經歷了四個階段,第一階段為接納團體成員與建立團體運作模式以形成團體;第二階段運用專注力遊戲建立傾聽的能力;第三階段在「專心」、「衝動控制」、「清楚表達」、「解決問題」四方面繼續加強成員成功參與遊戲團體的能力;第四階段在討論前加入合作遊戲以增強學生主動應用學到的能力。 二、情緒行為問題學童能力的改變:雖有個別化改變速度與程度的差異,大體來看,遊戲團體可以增進情緒行為問題學童溝通的能力;遊戲團體可以增進情緒行為問題學童問體解決的能力;遊戲團體可以增進情緒行為問題學童衝動控制的能力;學生可以增進應用所學技巧的能力。 三、研究者的困境、省思與成長:研究者面臨的困境為和導師的溝通、情緒行為問題學生的衝動不守常規和研究者本身的信心不足。在過程中從和導師、家長的溝通中思考、並學習更好的溝通方式;從學生的回饋中了解遊戲團體方向的正確和與學生正向關係的重要;在協同研究者的協助下,重新獲得面對困難的信心與支持;研究者在接手類似的組別時更加得心應手;從研究中發現協同研究者、同儕的挑選、導師的特質、研究者的特質皆會影響研究的進行。 研究結果顯示遊戲團體確能增進情緒行為問題學生的人際互動能力,現場的特教老師在執行時,建議和導師、家長建立良好的關係、在帶領遊戲團體時目標要清楚、可隨時引導同儕給予情緒行為問題學童協助。未來研究建議在同儕的挑選上,可以選擇不同特質的同儕,了解不同的組合是否會有不同的結果;在研究的時間上可以將每次遊戲團體的時間拉長,並且增加遊戲團體的頻率;在教學者方面,可以有不同身分的教學者進行遊戲團體,以了解不同身分的教學者是否在遊戲團體的成效上有所不同;在研究對象上,可以跨不同的障礙類別進行探究,以了解遊戲團體對於其他障礙類別的成效。


The purpose of this research is to develop a play group program for elementary school children with emotional behavioral problem and to discuss the influence of the program on these children and to see what kind of reflection and professional growth bring the researcher through this research. This research is carried out with an action research method. Research subjects are one student with Asperger syndrome and the other with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Both are at fourth grade in the primary school level. Diverse methods were used to collect research data such as interview, non-participatory observation, daily research note, reflection notes and discussion records. After analyzing and summarizing the data, the researcher came into the following conclusions: 1.At the beginning of the play group, the researcher found on behalf of the recommendation of the classroom teacher three classmates who show the similar characteristics to the children with the emotional behavioral problems, to join in the play group. Through information gathered from the observation in the classroom and at the playgroup the objectives of the play group were chosen. The play group had gone through four stages during the implementation phase. The first stage is to build the mutual acceptance among the participants. The second stage is to teach the play group members listening capacity through concentration games. The third stage is to enhance the abilities of concentration, impulse control, precise expression and problem solving. The fourth stage is to enhance the transfer abilities. This is to ensure by using cooperative games that the children can use the skills learned in other settings. 2.After the program, the children with emotional behavioral problems made progression in the ability to communicate with their classmates, to solve problems and to control themselves. The subjects can use the skills learned in the play group in other situations. 3.The researcher faced several difficulties in the communication with the classroom teacher, in the encountering with the situations, as the students lost behaviors control and in the struggling with lack of self-confidence of researcher. From this research, researcher learned self-affirmation, and learned to communicate with classroom teacher and parents, and keep good relations with children to solve problems easily. These experiences enable the researcher to guide other similar group with ease. The research found there are several factors, which can have an impact to the play group: The cooperation with the co-researcher, the similarity of the characteristics from the classmates, the gentle and courageous characteristics of the group leader to face the difficulties, and the attitude of the classroom teacher. The results from this research give evidence that the play group can facilitate the interpersonal abilities of the children with emotional behavioral problems. If the special education teachers want to try this program, we suggest that the special educational teachers should first develop good relations with the parents and the classroom teachers. Before the play group begins, the special educational teacher should have clear goals. When children with emotional behavioral problems need help, the special educational teacher should guide classmates to give these children assistances. For the future research, play partners with different characteristics can be chosen to see whether combination of different disabilities have an impact on the results. We can probably prolong the duration or the frequency of the play group for children with emotional behavioral problems. In the aspect of the group leader, we can find out how different group leaders may have different results. And we should include students with other special needs in the play group to see how and what the play group changes.




