  • 學位論文


A study on the school choice and satisfaction of parents of featured schools in remote districts—a case of Shanshia Township in Taipei County

指導教授 : 何英奇


本研究旨在探討偏遠地區特色小學家長選校之決策過程,採用自編「偏遠地區特色校學家長選校考量及滿意度調查問卷」,以台北縣三峽鎮所有(六所)偏遠色小學為研究對象,有效問卷共385份。資料回收後以描述性統計、因素分析、集群分析、t 考驗、單因子變異數等統計方法進行分析,研究結果歸納如下: 一、 不同入學管道家長在教育程度、家庭收入及社經地位上呈雙峰現象。 二、 家長選校時會以校友及家長對學校的評價、親身觀察經驗、孩子的喜好等個人資訊來源為主要參考依據,與一般學區分發之家長較為不同。 三、 家長在選校時,審慎且重視五個因素,依重視程度排序為:均衡發展、關懷、生活便利、課外活動及能力表現;其中原學區及低社經背景之家長對於「能力表現」重視程度較高。 四、 家長對於學校整體大致滿意,滿意度程度依序為:環境與設備、品質經營、學習型態及德智群美四育表現;其中轉學生家長對品質經營及學習型態之滿意度,顯著高於非轉學生家長。 五、 以選校考量因素進行集群分析,區分為「積極規劃型」家長與「務實考量型」家長;「積極規劃型」家長學校對選校重視程度、整體滿意度與推薦他人就讀程度,顯著高於「務實考量型」家長。 六、 高達71.1%家長會推荐他人就讀偏遠地區特色小學,其中滿意度愈高之家長推薦程度也愈高。 根據研究結果,針對教育主管機關、學校、家長及未來研究提出參考建議。


The aim of this study was to investigate the school choice of parents in featured schools in remote districts. ”Questionnaire of the parental school choice and satisfaction in featured schools in remote districts” was delivered to the parents, whose children were studied in six valid schools in Shanshia Township in Taipei County. There were 385 effective questionnaires. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, factor analysis, cluster analysis, t test, and one-way ANOVA. The results were as follows: 1. A double-peak phenomenon was observed in parental education, family income, and socioeconomic status, between parents whose kids from tow channels of admission (local or non-local school districts). 2. Key information for school choice includes appreciation from alumnae and parents to school, personal observation, and children’s preference. The significant difference among those was found between parents whose kids from local school districts. 3. As to school choice, parents put an emphasis on five factors, the degree in order is: balance development of soul and mind, caring, convenience, out-of-school activities and competent performance. The degree parents’ emphasis on students’ competent performance varied according to channels to admission parents, education, family income and socio-economic status and reach to significant different. 4. Parents were satisfied with the overall school performance, including environment and facility, quality management, learning type and performance in four education in order. Of those the satisfaction degree learning style in transferring student’s parents are higher than that in non-transferring students’ parents. 5. The cluster analysis was performed using the five factors of variables. The parents could be divided into two categories – “practical” and “aggressive planning” parents. The scores of school choice, overall satisfaction and recommending others to study the featured schools are higher for “practical” parents “aggressive planning” parents. 6. More than 71.1% responders would recommend others to study the featured schools in remote districts. Of those, the higher the satisfaction is, the higher the degree of recommendation. According to the above-mentioned results, some suggestions were provided for education authorities, schools, parents and future studies.


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