  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness Of Safe Exercise Cognition Curriculum For Elderly People Living In Communities

指導教授 : 陳毓璟


本研究旨在探討社區高齡者對於運動安全認知課程之學習成效。採用準實驗研究之方式,從嘉義縣民雄鄉兩個社區,共計47位65歲以上的高齡者,以立意取樣的方式分派為實驗組與控制組,進行共五週、每週一次、每次一個半小時的運動安全認知課程介入。研究目的在發展一個適合社區高齡者的運動安全認知課程,並探討課程介入,是否提升運動安全認知,以及評量課程成效。量化資料使用運動安全認知量表進行前後測,並且運用觀察與訪談的方式進行質性資料蒐集。 針對研究結果,歸納結論為: 一、運用多元的運動安全內容,有趣、生活化的教學方式與教材,讓社區高齡者進行學習: (一)適合社區高齡者的運動安全認知課程的設計可從課程內容、教材、授課方式、社區環境、課前運動與善用社區資源著手。 (二)課程內容要保持專業性,而且內容不可以太過艱深,建議可以從口語化的文字或圖片開始。 (三)教材與授課方式要符合高齡者特性,以有趣與生活化的方式進行,可以提高專注力與學習效果。 (四)合適的社區運動環境包含運動環境的規劃與設備的使用,而課前運動可以加入運動安全認知的內容,讓社區高齡者了解如何在現實生活中實踐運動安全的知識。 (五)善用社區資源提高運動的使用次數,並讓較多年輕一輩的人進入社區、訓練專業社區運動志工。以簡化的教學內容、逐步訓練的方式並輔以錄影帶教學,共同為高齡者的健康共同付出心力。 二、課程學習成效 (一)課程參與率:本研究實驗組樣本達24人,平均課程參與率超過六成,但有3次課程參與率未達平均值。可能原因為課程介入時間為休息時間,所以學習意願降低。另外高齡者身體狀況不佳、參與社區舉辦的活動、探訪兒女等因素,皆會影響參與運動安全認知課程之次數。 (二)運動安全認知:研究對象的運動安全認知的成績表現以描述性統計及差異性分析結果顯示,實驗組社區高齡者在運動安全認知課程介入後,對於運動安全認知的成績有進一步的提升,但未達顯著水準(p > .05),而實驗組與控制組間也沒有顯著差異(p > .05)。可能原因為本研究取樣之社區具有相當良好的健康相關知識,而本研究量表鑑別度不高、難度偏易、課程介入時間不長及教育程度偏低等因素,都可能影響運動安全認知總分的提升。 (三)運動安全行為及態度的改變:經過運動安全認知課程之後,在於如何安全的進行運動有更進一步的認識。而在運動安全行為與態度上,有些微的改變,尤其在反光條的使用與運動穿著的改變較為明顯。對運動安全會更注意,也會視自己的身體狀況才進行運動。 最後,本研究根據研究發現,針對運動安全課程之設計,以及未來相關研究提出建議。


高齡者 社區 運動安全認知 課程


The Effectiveness of Safe Exercise Cognition Curriculum for Elderly People Living in Communities Abstract This study discusses the learning effectiveness of safe exercise cognition curriculum for elderly people living in communities. Employing a quasi-experimental research method, we recruited 47 people over 65 years of age from two communities in the Minxiong Township of Chiayi County, and used purposive sampling to divide the participants into an experimental group and a control group. Safe exercise cognition curriculum intervention was implemented with 90-min lessons once per week for five weeks. The goal was to develop a safe exercise cognition curriculum suitable for elderly people living in communities, explore whether curriculum intervention improved safe exercise cognition, and conduct curriculum effectiveness evaluations. We used a safe exercise cognition scale to conduct a pretest and posttest for quantified data. We also employed observation and interview methods to collect qualitative data. The conclusions of this study are summarized as follows based on research results: 1. Elderly people living in communities can learn through diverse safe exercise content, and interesting and lively teaching methods and materials. (1) Safe exercise cognition curriculum suitable for elderly people living in communities can be designed considering various aspects, such as the curriculum content, teaching materials, instructional methods, community environments, pre-lesson exercises, and the proper use of community resources. (2) The curriculum content must be professional and easy to comprehend. We suggest starting lessons with simple language and pictures. (3) The teaching materials and instructional methods must be tailored to the characteristics of elderly people. Using interesting and lively methods can increase elderly people’s attention and learning effectiveness. (4) Appropriate community exercise environments include planning the exercise environment and how facilities are used. Pre-lesson exercises can be incorporated into safe exercise cognition curriculum content to enable elderly people living in communities to understand how to practice safe exercise knowledge in actual life. (5) Proper use of community resources should consider to increase exercise utilization times, more younger people be allowed to enter communities, and train professional community exercise volunteers. The curriculum design includes simple instructional content and gradual training in conjunction with video tape instruction. 2. Curriculum learning effectiveness (1) Curriculum participation rate: The experimental group comprised 24 participants and the average curriculum participation rate exceeded 60%. However, the participation rates for three curriculum lessons did not reach the average value. A possible reason for this was scheduling the curriculum intervention at break or rest times, thereby inducing decreased learning willingness. In addition, factors such as poor physical conditions for elderly people, participation in community activities, and visits with children influenced the participanting times. (2) Safe exercise cognition: The participants’ safe exercise cognition performance was determined using descriptive statistics and the results of differential analysis. The performance of experimental group improved after the intervention; however, they did not reach the level of significance (p > .05). Additionally, no significant difference was observed between the experimental group and the control group (p > .05). This may be because the experimental group possessed considerably favorable health-related knowledge. Other factors, such as the low discrimination of the cognitiative scale, low difficulty degree, short curriculum intervention duration, and the participants’ low education level, were likely to have also influenced the increase in the participants’ total score for safe exercise cognition. (3) Changing safe exercise behavior and attitudes: After participating in the safe exercise cognition curriculum, the participants had an improved understanding of how to perform exercise safely. The participants also exhibited slight changes in their safe exercise behavior and attitudes, particularly regarding the use of reflective tape and exercise clothing. The participants paid more attention to exercising safely and performed exercise depending on one’s health conditions. Finally, based on the research findings, we proposed suggestions for future studies and the design of safe exercise curriculum.


王秀華(2002)。探討肌力訓練對老年婦女的影響。大專體育, 63,172-178。
