  • 學位論文

魅力型領導、團隊運作與團隊績效關係之研究 -以台灣傳銷業為例

A Study on The Relationship of Charismatic Leadership,Team Operation and Team Performance:An Empirical Investigation on Taiwan Multi-Level Marketing

指導教授 : 劉興郁


自1992年公平交易委員會正式制定「多層次傳銷管理辦法」以來,台灣傳直銷產業蓬勃發展,截至2009年全體產業總營業額達新台幣561.73億元,平均每百人中就有19.21人加入傳直銷業,實存在讓人深入探究的價值。 本研究以台灣區合法報備之七家多層次傳銷公司(其中外商公司5家;本土公司2家)之直銷商為對象,探討直銷商之魅力型領導及團隊運作對團隊績效的影響,及了解不同個人特徵的直銷商在上述各變項上是否有顯著差異及相關性。經實證後本研究得到以下結論: 1. 具魅力型領導特質之經銷商,部分團隊績效較佳。 2. 魅力型領導與團隊運作的交互作用,對團隊績效有顯著的影響。 3. 直銷商加入的動機為「開創自己的事業」者,在魅力型領導、團隊運作與團隊績效的表現較優良。 4. 直銷商經營事業的時間以「3~6年以下」者,在魅力型領導、團隊運作與團隊績效的表現較優良。 5. 直銷商以「專職經營」者,在魅力型領導、團隊運作及團隊績效的表現較優良。 6. 當直銷商在事業「獨立階段」時,對於魅力型領導、團隊運作與團隊績效的表現最優。 7. 直銷商年齡落於「35~45歲以下」者,在魅力型領導、團隊運作與團隊績效的表現上最優。 以上結論可為傳直銷業者或有意投入傳直銷產業者作一參考,以及提供未來相關研究者之方向根據。


Since 1992, the Fair Trade Commission has formally framed the “Supervisory Regulations Governing Multi-Level Sales”; the Multi-Level Sales industry in Taiwan has developed rapidly. The whole business volume of this industry has reached NTD$56.173 billion in 2009. And there are 19.21 participants in Multi-Level Sales of every hundred persons averagely. That is the reason worth a research. This research tries to analyze the object of 7 legal Multi-Level Sales Companies in Taiwan (including 5 foreign companies and 2 local companies) as to study the distributors’ charismatic leadership and team operation how to influence a team’s performance. And the research also tries to realize if there are significant differences and correlations between the distributors with different personal characteristics when confronting the above variables. 391 survey samples were received. The results were subjected to SPSS statistical software, the statistical analysis tools. The research methods being used are descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, T-test, one-way ANOVA, post-hoc analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis…etc. This research reaches the following conclusions after studying the facts and the evidences. 1.The distributors who are of charismatic leadership qualities lead better team performance. 2.With the interaction between charismatic leadership and team operation, the team performance reaches a significant impact. 3.Distributors who participate in the Multi-Level Sales with the motivation of “start their own business” gain excellent performance in the field of charismatic leadership, team operation and team performance. 4.Distributors who run the business in “3 to 6 years” gain excellent performance in the field of charismatic leadership, team operation and team performance. 5.Distributors who run the business with “full time management” gain excellent performance in the field of charismatic leadership, team operation and team performance. 6.Distributors who reach the business “independent stage” gain excellent performance in the field of charismatic leadership, team operation and team performance. 7.Distributors whose ages fall in “35 to 45 years of age” gain excellent performance in the field of charismatic leadership, team operation and team performance. The above conclusions could be a reference for those who wish to involve this industry or are the participants of Multi-Level Sales and will provide the relevant research directions to the others in the future.


22.戚樹誠、黃敏萍(1995),國內大型企業魅力領導與公司規範之關聯性研究,臺大管理論叢, 6(2),109-134。


