  • 學位論文


The Research on Damage Reason Caused by Fire and Fire Prevention Estimation on Existing Apartment Buildings

指導教授 : 張寬勇


現今集合住宅經歷起始、成熟與衰敗各種不同階段,其象徵台灣居住環境的歷史變遷與演進,但卻也造成社會日益增多之集合住宅建築物。參酌消防署歷年統計資料顯示,台灣地區平均每年發生火警約4916件,是所有災害當中對人民生命財產損失最大的,且住宅火災所佔所有火災之比例高達六成,其中約有兩成是發生於集合住宅建築物中。 本研究主要是以蒐集國內外集合住宅建築物防火及消防安全設備設置、施工、改善等相關法規、文獻、工程及火災災例等相關資料,並找出火害因子進行比較分析與歸納整理,進而探討集合住宅建築物防火評估之機制,再藉針對某一集合住宅內部裝修隔間材料及重新加裝探測器使用FDS火場模擬軟體,如此一來便可在模擬中得知相關數值如氧濃度分佈、一氧化碳濃度分佈、溫度分佈情形、能見度分布情形、釋熱率、探測器動作時間等,以作為本研究成果之一。 最後藉由將蒐集歷年集合住宅之火災案例,並整理分析集合住宅火災原因、種類及型態,探討住宅火災危害因子與防治策略與措施,研擬集合住宅建築物使用管理機制,建立火害因子權重以提供民眾防火安全評估之參考。


Current congregating houses have gone through initial, mature, and decline phases. They are emblems of the historical transition and evolvement of living environment in Taiwan. However, the number of congregating houses has been increasing in our society. According to the yearly statistical data collected by National Fire Administration, about 4916 fire accidents take place every year averagely in Taiwan which lose the most to people’s lives and properties in all calamities. Among these fire accidents, about 60% are residence fires and about 20% take place in congregating houses according to relevant survey data. This research mainly focuses on collecting related domestic and foreign information about fire prevention for congregating houses, the relevant laws and regulation of the installation, construction, modification of fire fighting equipment, as well as the cases of fire accident. Moreover, this study plans to find out the factors which cause fire accidents, and to do comparative analyses and generalization for these factors in order to discuss and design the assessment mechanism for fire prevention of congregating houses. In addition, by focusing on the partition materials used inside the congregating houses and installing detectors for FDS simulation software of the scene of fire accident, we could get those following data in the simulation as one of our research results: the distributions of oxygen concentration and carbon monoxide concentration, the conditions of temperature distribution and visibility distribution, heat release rate, the time of detector movement and so on. Finally, by collecting those cases of fire accidents which take place in congregating houses over the years, we could sort out and analyze those causes, categories, and types for fire accidents in congregating houses in order to discuss the preventive strategies and measures for this kind of fire accidents. Furthermore, we could set up some managerial mechanism for the use of congregating houses and find out the different weight of each factor causing residence fires for the public’s reference when doing safety evaluation for fire prevention. If the above suggestions could be carried out, we expect to see better performance in decreasing the number of fire accidents.




