  • 學位論文


A Study into Strategies of Industry and Academia Cooperation between Creative and Cultural Industry Parks and Universities: A Case Study on the Collaboration between Hua Shan Creative and Cultural Industry Park and the College of Design, National Taipei University of Technology

指導教授 : 彭光輝


民國九十二年文建會提出「規劃設置創意文化園區計畫」,其中華山創意文化園區,為五大園區之中成立最早、討論最多的一個園區,近年來華山園區的發展,在無明確發展定位與產業進駐的情況下,雖仍逐漸成為台北地區藝文展演活動的主要場所,但對於促進整體文創產業的發展,所產生的效果仍屬有限。 基此,本研究透過經驗類比與深度訪談的方式,首先回顧五個國內外產業園區與大學互動之經驗,整理出影響園區與大學合作之具體因素,主要有以下幾點:1.政府初期的引導規劃;2.合作大學的發展方向;3.中小企業為主的企業導引;4.發展腹地與基礎設施;5.政策與法令的誘因;6.大學對於產學合作的重視與態度;7.產業園區的選址;8.完整的產業網絡系統;9.多元的合作模式;10.與大學具備地理鄰近性。經由案例經驗的歸納與現況資料的分析整合,本研究另針對華山園區及台北科大設計學院產學合作之具體效益與方式,選定產學界、北科、華山經管單位與公部門五個相關單位為對象,進行深度訪談,由訪談結果之歸納,亦得知產學合作乃對於華山園區未來之發展具有相當之可行性。 最後歸納案例經驗與訪談結果,透過SWOT綜合策略分析方法,以華山創意園區與設計學院兩者之產學合作為目標,進行綜合策略研擬,並分成短、中、長期行動方案三個部分建議如下:短期以建立互動關係,產生互動共識,為合作建立基礎;中期則需展開具體合作,強化產學結合,擴大產學合作的範疇,長期則需透過區域整合;建構文創產業網絡系統,成立專責的產學互動組織,統籌產學資源之分派與市場資訊交流的彙整,擴大園區的實體概念與空間範疇,以銜接政府文化創意產業發展政策的落實。


As one of the brainchildren from the “Coordination of the Cultural and Creative Industry Development Plan” that the Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA) put forth in 2003, Hua Shan Creative and Cultural Park is the first and the most discussed project of the five creative and cultural parks. Despite its increasingly important popularity to host art and cultural performances and exhibitions in greater Taipei area in recent years, the lack of explicit development prospect and the missing of permanent business installation impair the intensity of its influence on promoting entire creative and cultural industry. In view of the situation, this study intends to reflect on the experience of the collaborations of each of the five national and international industry parks with universities by applying method of comparative analysis and conducting comprehensive interviews. It is expected to pinpoint out factors that intervene the collaboration between parks and universities in relation with these facets: 1). preliminary guiding and planning on the part of the government; 2). development goal of the cooperated university; 3). corporate guidance from small and medium enterprises; 4). Central land expansion and infrastructure; 5). legislative stimulation and incentive policy; 6). University’s attitude and approval towards the industry and academia cooperation; 7). selection of industry park site; 8). integrated computing network system; 9). multi-cooperation model; 10). geological closeness with the university. Upon completing the inductive analysis over the real-case experience as well as integrating and analyzing data of current status, the study selects five units including industrial-educational circle, National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT), Hua Shan authority and official sector as its research target to carry out interviews in depth, with a focus on potential outcome of and sensible method for the industry academia cooperation between Hua Shan Park and NTUT. An induction based on the results of interviews proves the feasibility of applying industry academia cooperation on Hua Shan Industry Park. Finally, a SWOT analysis is applied on these inductive results of real-case experience and interviews to study and conclude comprehensive strategies for the target of the industry academia cooperation between Hua Shan Creative and Cultural Industry Park and College of Design, which can be subdivided into action plan of three stages: short-term, medium-term and long-term. The distinction of stages can refer to these suggestions: for short-term, the purpose of this stage is to set up positive interaction; to reach consensus and to foster interaction, i.e., to lay the foundation of cooperation. For medium-term, it is required to initiate cooperation in practice; to reinforce industrial-educational link; and to expand industrial-educational scope. For long-term, it is expected to build a cultural-creative industry network by means of regional integration; to set up industrial-educational organization in charge of coordinating distribution of industrial-educational resources and of sorting information updated from the marketplace; to enhance the influence of the Park in terms of concept and physical space; to connect and to put the governmental policies on cultural and creative industry into practice.


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