  • 學位論文


Decision Behavior of Business ERP Customization

指導教授 : 劉士豪


隨著資訊科技進步及激烈的多元市場競爭,企業資源規劃系統(ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning)成為近來企業間競相設置之資訊工具。許多國內外著名公司基於自身的資訊技術並根據企業整合的方法論發展出完整且複雜之ERP系統,他們所發展出來的企業參考模型均宣稱是企業的最佳典範(Best Practice)流程,可做為系統導入及企業再工程的捷徑。但是企業的作業流程與企業文化特質是無法有通則規範的,因此在導入ERP的過程中經常會產生ERP無法滿足企業本身需求或與企業產生不合適(Misfit)的狀況,因而產生了ERP客製化的問題。 企業是否應該要進行客製化?目前在國內外文獻中探討相關ERP客製化的文章大多為經驗談的一般報導且主張亦是眾說紛紜。探討客製化決策的形成更是未被充分研究。因此本研究採用探索性的個案研究方法,試圖找出客製化問題及其決策行為的相關問題。經過研究發現,本研究得到下列幾點結論並回答了的三個研究問題。 問題一:企業ERP客製化問題是如何形成的? 結論 :企業ERP客製化問題來自於使用者比較ERP的功能與原資訊系統(或 稱遺產系統)功能而形成。 問題二:導入顧問對於企業ERP客製化決策的影響及其角色為何? 結論 :顧問在客製化問題所扮演的角色是解決方案的提供者以及ERP系統的設定者。但是對於客製化決策並不會直接參與,而會藉由客製化成本間接的影響決策。 問題三:企業ERP客製化問題的決策行為為何? 結論 :企業ERP客製化問題決策行為分為(1)CEO直接參與ERP客製化決策(2)ERP專案小組客製化決策 (或稱CEO間接參與ERP客製化決策)兩種。


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have gained significant footage in the corporations to help the managements meet the ever changing and diversified business environment. Many prestige companies have developed advanced and complicated systems based on their leading information technology and enterprise integration theory. Their reference models are claimed to be the Best Practice, and are shortcut for the system introduction and enterprise re-engineering. However, it is difficult to generalize the business process and business culture for the unified models. Custom-designed ERP systems are aimed to address the Misfit in many system introduction cases. Should the business entities go for custom ERP system? Many literatures propose many and yet contradicted theories. Some of those papers are experience reports and fall short in the decision-making issues. This study explores the custom ERP issues and focusing on the decision-making stage to the individual case. The result of this research concludes with the following three issues and conclusions: ISSUE 1: How does the custom-designed ERP system aroused? CONCLUSION : It aroused from users compare the original (or heritage) systems with the functionalities of pre-build ERP systems. ISSUE 2: The influence and role of the consultants to the decision-making of the custom-designed ERP system introduction? CONCLUSION : Consultants provide system solutions and configurations and not directly influence the decision-making, but through the cost indirectly. ISSUE 3 : What are the paths lead to the decision-making of custom-designed ERP systems? CONCLUSION : There are two models: (1) CEO’s direct decision and (2) ERP task force’s decision (or call it CEO’s decision indirectly).


ERP Customization Decision Behavior ERP


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