  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Core Expansion Model, Supply Chain Strategy and Global Trading Group Performance – Study Comparison on Test Rite International Co., Ltd. in Taiwan and Li & Fung Limited in Hong Kong

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


過去研究多集中在針對高科技產業,對於由華人創建並以單純代理採購賺取佣金之貿易集團則鮮少有研究。今日國際貿易環境快速變化,特別是兩岸三地的國際貿易競爭之激烈,促使經營觸角紛紛延伸至下游客戶,引發全球物流運籌的興起趨勢,而傳統貿易如何跳脫單純的仲介模式,以嶄新經營型態拓展於全球運籌物流,持續競爭優勢,是當前最急需了解的。 本研究是以個案分析法,針對數十年不斷核心擴張,以嶄新的全球運籌零售物流經營型態,擁有卓越集團經營績效之台灣最大貿易商特力集團與全球最大華商集團之香港利豐集團為研究對象,經由深入訪談、廣泛蒐集相關資料,驗證與分析實務現象,旨在探索研究集團企業是以什麼樣的核心資源和擴張模式以及供應鏈策略,持續卓越經營績,並得到下列重要結論: 1. 核心資源類型對擴張模式有影響-能力類型之核心資源對核心擴張模式有影響。 2. 擴張模式對供應鏈策略有影響-全方位擴張模式類型較適合完整型供應鏈策略。 3. 核心擴張模式對集團經營績效有影響-全方位擴張模式類型有較佳的集團經營績效。 4. 核心資源對供應鏈策略有影響-採取具有能力型核心資源較益採取完整型供應鏈策略。 5. 核心資源與集團經營績效有關-採取能力類型核心資源有較佳的集團經營績效。 6. 供應鏈策略與集團經營績效有關-採取完整型供應鏈策略有較佳的集團經營績效。 關鍵詞:全球物流運籌、全方位核心擴張、完整型供應鏈策略、功能型供應鏈策略、集團經營績效


In the past, mostly research focused on high technology industries, very few on Chinese Trading Business Group which established as purchasing agency for earning trading commission simply. Result in the global trading environment is changed so quickly, especially for the severe competition among cross-strait three territories of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, business operation has been gradually extended widely to the downstream clients and global logistics stirred as a tendency. Therefore, to survey how the traditional trading enterprise to stick out their simple type of trading agency and successfully develop for global logistics by conspicuous new business type with lasting core competence becomes the presently critical issue. This research was established by method of case research as aimed at the outstanding in global retail logistic operation and achieved remarkable performance by over ten years’ continue for core expansion being the leading trading enterprise of Test Rite International Co., Ltd. in Taiwan and the global top Chinese trading enterprise of Li & Fung Co. in Hong Kong. Through deep interview and generally collection of all relative data to verify and analyze the influence on group’s excellent performance with core competency, expansion model and supply chain strategy, we obtained important results as below: 1.Core competency influenced expansion models - we found the more core expansion relied on core competency of capability resource. 2.Core expansion model influenced supply chain strategy - whole expansion model was more suitable to integrated supply chain strategy. 3.Core expansion influenced global trading group performance - by whole expansion achieved better group performance. 4.Core competency influenced supply chain strategy - adopted core competency possessed functional resource was helpful to adopted integrated supply chain strategy. 5.Core competency was related to global trading group performance – adopted core competency of capability resource achieved better group performance. 6.Supply chain strategy was related to global trading group performance – adopted integrated supply chain strategy achieved better group performance.


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