  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Thematic Integrated Teaching Process for Elementary School Teachers and the Construction of Cooperative Reflective Professional Growth Model

指導教授 : 張景媛


國內學者們呼籲教育改革應以朝向課程統整,培養學生具備基本學習能力為目的。課程發展若能以教師發展為基礎,讓教師在建構課程的歷程中,針對教育理論與教學實踐進行辯證,將可重組教師的教學知識、教學信念與社群關係,從而獲致專業成長。本研究目的是想了解國小教師設計主題統整教學的歷程、實施的結果、專業成長質變學習歷程,並建構出適合國小教師進行課程探究的「合作省思專業成長模式」。 研究參與者是四位國小二年級女教師,透過質化與量化方法進行分析,資料主要來源包括教學會議記錄、教師省思札記、教學自評表、教師與學生訪談稿、家長與學生意見調查表、以及學生的國語與數學科測驗成績等。本研究在主題統整教學的設計歷程方面,包括:訂定學期計畫、設計教學網路圖、發展教學子題、規劃形成性評量表、學習單、以及班群教學活動。在主題統整教學的實施結果方面,包括:教學活動多元活潑,提升學生學習興趣;教學方式銜接經驗,增進認知情意發展;學習單深入有變化,提供學生獨立思考;以及利用真實性評量增進學生的自我了解。 教師參與本研究的專業成長是一種質變學習的歷程。教師在其「教學知識」上的成長包括:由講述方式到設計生活化系統化的教學;由情境串連到應用網路圖設計教學內容;由紙筆測驗到使用真實性評量評估表現;由教師訂定公約到引導學生省思規範的意義。教師在其「教學信念」上的成長包括:由獨立單元的教學到突破教材限制延伸概念;由單一學科的教學到運用綜合活動統整學習;由單打獨鬥的教學到建立合作網路擴展經驗;由固定單純的教學到發展個人風格增進效能。教師在其「社群關係」上的成長包括:由班級王國到運用班群教學已發展多元學習;由被動溝通到建立教學共識以促進同仁互動;由逃避困擾到善用家長資源以增進教學成效;由課本教學到運用社會資源以擴展學習領域。 為協助教師進行課程探究,本研究以社會建構論及成人質變學習論規劃專業成長活動,並以教育行動研究與反省性教學模式規劃研究架構。從主題統整教學的設計、實施、以及教師本身的質變學習歷程中,建構出「合作省思專業成長模式」,主要包括以下五個步驟與專業成長活動:(1)在「計畫」步驟,教師組成研究小組,安排共同討論時間以進行統整課程的規劃。(2)在「執行」步驟,教師討論教學計畫的實施情形,利用札記、同儕視導、閱讀理論方式等建構共有的教學觀,研究者提供適當的課程統整方法與教學策略以改善心智模式。(3)在「修正」步驟,教師透過同儕教練、教學分享與專家支持,針對教學計畫與實施中的疑惑提出改變的計畫,以進一步澄清自己的教學觀。(4)在「評鑑」步驟,教師填寫教學自評表,在行動中反省自己的思考和教學,以了解教學的實施結果。(5)在「省思」步驟,透過成長檔分享以及訪談,協助教師將新的實務知識與個人的基本假設產生連結,從中建構自己的教學理論與專業成長。 綜觀本研究「合作省思專業成長模式」具有以下特點:設計系統化的專業成長活動,使教師成為自我導向的研究者;建立溫暖與信賴的合作網路,鼓勵教師建構積極的互動關係;規劃共同時間進行專業對話,以合作協商建構個人教學觀;透過批判省思引發質變學習,實踐個人新的教學觀與社群觀;提供鷹架支持發展統整課程,培養教師自我調整與自主研究。根據本研究結果與討論,研究者分別就實施主題統整教學、進行教師專業成長活動提出建議,並對未來研究提出進一步探討的方向。


The scholars declare the purposes of educational reformation are to integrate the curriculum and to cultivate students to have basic learning abilities. If the curriculum development can be established on the base of teachers' development, and let the teachers debate the educational theories and practical teaching in the process of constructing curriculum, the teachers will reconstruct their teaching knowledge, teaching belief, community relationship and get professional growth. Thus, the purposes of the study were: (1) to understand the process of thematic integrated teaching designed by the elementary school teachers, the outcomes of administration, and the transformative learning process of teachers' professional growth; and (2) to construct a suitable "cooperative reflective professional growth model" for the teachers to explore the curriculum. Four second-grade female teachers participated in the current study during the ten months period. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected to evaluate teachers' professional development. The qualitative data included teaching research meeting records, teacher journal reviews, teacher self-assessment reports, teachers and students interviews. The quantitative data included the results from survey instruments of parents and students, and students' scores of mandarin and mathematics. The process of designing the thematic integrated teaching included devising term plan, drawing teaching network diagrams, developing teaching subjects, and planning formative evaluation inventory, learning sheets, and team teaching activities. The results of administering the thematic integrated teaching were : teaching activities became more vivid and students' learning interests were promoted; teachers' teaching styles connected their experiences and the development of students' cognition and affection were enhanced; the changeful learning sheets could offer students to think independently; and the authentic assessments could help students to understand themselves. The teachers' professional growth is a transformative learning process. The growth in teaching knowledge was revealed in designing more living and systematic lectures, more creative assessment methods, more sensible classroom regulations. The growth in teaching beliefs was revealed in more integrated teaching concepts, more synthesized learning activities, more efficient teaching styles. The growths in community relationships was revealed in more cooperation with the colleagues, better interactions with the parents, and applied other social resources to increase varieties in teaching activities. The "cooperative-reflective professional growth model" contained the following procedures and professional growth activities: During the first stage (planning stage), a research team was formulated for group discussion on the thematic integrated teaching. The teaching plan was developed based on cognitive development theory, social constructivism, and multiple intelligence theory. And then, the teachers developed teaching network to design integrated teaching. During the second stage (action stage), teachers were provided curriculum integration methods, peer coaching, and reading teaching theory to reform mental habits. During the third stage (revision stage), experts for confusion and modifications assisted teachers in their teaching plan. During the fourth stage (evaluation stage), teachers prepared self-assessment reports to reflect teaching behaviors and received feedback on their teaching performance. During the fifth stage (reflection stage), teachers arranged growthfolio to link their new practical knowledge to previous beliefs to formulate personal theory and achieve professional growth. The authors discovered the effective professional growth model must contain systematic professional activities to help teachers become self-directed researchers. Also, a warm and cooperative network and free time for professional dialogue are important for interactions between teachers to construct personal teaching. Several strategies were found to enhance reflective thinking, transformative learning, and developing integrated curriculum. Finally, the applications of the thematic integrated teaching and several suggestions for the future studies on teacher professional growth model were offered.




