  • 學位論文


Learning Effects on Implementing Interactive Assisted Problem-posing in Science and Technology

指導教授 : 呂克明


摘 要 本論文旨在,研究國小六年級自然與生活科技學習領域之學生為對象,用互動式Hot Potatoes軟體融入教學來提升教師的教學技巧。以分組方式講述教學融入電腦擬題教學法與被動式學習之傳統講述教學法,兩者教學成效之比較。 本研究擬以輔助學生學習、繼而提升學習興趣、最終改進學習方式的Hot Potatoes教學軟體,培養學生主動積極學習的態度;並且藉由學生對電腦學習動機與興趣,提升自然與生活科技領域學習之成效。研究結果將學童依照不同的學習成就與性別分組,將資料以SPSS12.0統計分析,以假設進行資料的分析與詮釋,以了解學童學習成就的差異。 研究結果發現: 一、在不同教學模式下,全組學童之學習成就,實驗組學童學習成效優於控制組的學童。 二、以高分組學童之學習成效,實驗組學童學習成效優於對照組的學童。 三、以中分組學童之學習成效,實驗組學童學習成效優於對照組的學童。 四、以低分組學童之學習成效,實驗組學童學習成效優於對照組的學童。 五、以男性學童之學習成效,實驗組學童學習成效優於對照組的學童。 六、以女性學童之學習成效,實驗組與對照組無顯著差異。 七、就實驗組的男性學童與女性學童之學習成效比較,無顯著差異。 最後,研究者分別對教師教學方面、教學設計者、未來研究者分別提出建議及後續研究的參考。


Abstract The aim of this research is to improve teacher’s teaching skills by using the computer instructional media (Hot Potatoes interactive software). The study subjects are the sixth-grade elementary school students who learn in science and technology learning field. The method of this research is to divide students into two groups to compare the effects of two pedagogies: one is implementing the computer software assisted the problem-posing pedagogy, and the other is the passive learning approach through the traditional lecture-based instruction. This study plans to use the computer instructional media, Hot Potatoes software, to help students to build a positive learning attitude. This media can assist students with learning disabilities, lift their learning interests, and have a better learning style Moreover, students’ learning motivations and interests to the computer learning also help to improve student’s learning performances in the curriculum of “Science and Life Technology.” In order to understand the differences of students’ learning achievements, the results, which are from groups of different learning achievements and genders, are analyzed by SPSS12.0. Our findings are summarized as follows: 1. For different teaching methods, the test group’s learning achievement is better than the control group’s. 2. For the high score group, the test group’s learning achievement is better than the control group’s. 3. For the middle score group, the test group’s learning achievement is better than the control group’s. 4. For the low score group, the test group’s learning achievement is better than the control group’s. 5. For male students, the test group’s learning achievement is better than the control group’s. 6. For female students, there are no clear differences in learning achievements between the test and control groups. 7. There are no clear differences in learning achievements between male and female students in the test group. Finally, some suggestions and references are proposed to teachers, teaching designers, and future studies. Keywords: Curriculum of “Science and Life Technology”, Hot Potatoes interactive software, problem-posing pedagogy


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