  • 學位論文


The Study Of the Senior Civil Service In The United Kingdom-The Point of the Recruitment And Appointment

指導教授 : 黃錦堂教授


英國高級文官制度自1996年正式建制以來廣受世人矚目,此制度歷經柴契爾政府、梅傑政府及布萊爾政府各時期的制度改革後,始呈現今日的樣貎,故本文係從英國高級文官制度的時代背景開始談起,以宏觀思維解析制度改革的時代背景及關鍵成因,在建構制度改革的整體概念後,再進入英國高級文官考選與任用規範的實務介紹。 英國高級文官制度最大的特色在於,其突破以往高級文官職位僅由傳統文官依資績晉升的取才模式,改採內升(傳統文官晉升)及外補(開放公私部門競爭)兩制並行,以候選者個人的工作職能為遴選的標準,以契約任用(任期固定、設定績效目標、績效獎懲課責)模式管理高級文官,由中央(內閣事務局)統籌規劃高級文官遴選、任用及人事管理事宜。 2004年英國高級文官核心職能的設計,為現代高級文官遴選、績效考評及遷調發展,訂定了評估基準;職位任期制的設計,則是為了解決文官久任造成的惰化、保守、前瞻動力不足的窘況而設計,此二者亦是現行英國高級文官制度的一大特色;另英國快速升遷方案,係屬高級文官培育機制的一環,亦是本文研析的焦點。本文冀希從制度引介的角度,詳解英國高級文官制度改革的經驗,藉以國外制度的學習,喚起更周延的制度思維,也為我國高階文官制度改革貢獻一己棉薄之力。


The United Kingdom established the senior civil service in 1996. The completed system went through three stages, including the Thatcher’s Government, the Major’s Government and the Blair’s Government. As a result, when the study began the time perspective of the senior civil service, the researcher makes most of the macroscopic conception to analyze the time perspective and the key reasons of the reform of the senior civil service in the United Kingdom, then introducing the practical rules of the recruitment and appointment of the senior civil service. Not only are the British civil service regulations flexible, but also the senior civil service in the United Kingdom has lots of characteristics. Especially it makes a breakthrough recruit the senior civil service from the private sector. The recruitment path of the senior civil service includes inter-recruitment and open competition. This system takes advantage of the work competence to qualify the candidates who are interested in the senior position and recruit the senior civil service through contract(limited-posting, setting the performance goal, accountability and rewards by the performance). In addition, since the Cabinet Office is the authority of civil service of the United Kingdom, it apparently takes the responsibility to make an overall plan for the recruitment, appointment and the human resource management of the senior civil service. In 2004, the Cabinet Office designed the core competence of the British civil service. On the one hand, the competence offers the criteria of the recruitment, performance-review and the mobility of the modern senior civil service. On the other hand, the goal of the design of the time-limited posting is to solve the problems such as laziness, conversation, less-motivation of the career-based civil service. Both of the designs are also significantly the characteristics of the senior civil service in the United Kingdom. At the same time, the fast stream is an integral part of the cultural scheme of the British civil service. According to this perspective, the research intends to arouse more completely thinking about the civil service reform in Taiwan by introducing the experience of the senior civil service in the United Kingdom.




