  • 學位論文


Urban bricolage of grassroots tactics in modernist housing projects – reinterpreting the socio-spatial role of street market in the South Airport public housing clusters

指導教授 : 康旻杰


本篇的核心概念為都市修補術。都市修補術的原本意涵是指透過的有意識的空間操作,在都市中進行暫時性的空間干預,藉由這種在日常生活中透過幽默與靈巧的操作方式來回應現代化都市社會中的生活裂縫,其也彰顯了日常生活都市主義的價值。因此本文挪用都市修補術的概念,去詮釋日常生活中的街道市集在現代國宅群落中的空間角色意義。 自從戰後國民政府撥遷來台後,城市邊陲的南機場承接了大量的軍事移民,在台北市的城鄉發展階段中又吸納許多了北上勞工,龐大的居住需求導致政府在1970年代以後開始透過大規模都市更新來興建現代化國民住宅。現代化高層國宅被快速的建立起來,原本的細小巷弄被寬闊的馬路街道取代,卻也破壞了過去南機場的日常生活網絡,使得南機場開始產生隔離,各自獨立的國宅社區如同鑲嵌畫般並存,但在日常生活中卻也幾無關聯。 在南機場的都市化過程中,土地使用分區制度的建立使得南機場缺乏小型地方消費設施。以此為動機,許多地方居民開始透過游擊公權力的方式,在都市縫隙中開始擺攤謀生,隨著時間開始形成街道市集。這並非罕見,但透過這些發生在日常生活中常見的瑣碎事物,開始在南機場串連起一種機複雜的生活網絡,並且建構出一個靈活的公共平台,在某種程度開始縫合了街道。但然而這些網絡雖然維繫著都市修補的展開,但其背後卻也隱涵著內部權力結構的矛盾,以及在正式與非正式之間的交互張力。 本文認為做為都市修補的詮釋,並不能過度美化修補行為,從而忽略掉其背後的政治脈絡。因此本研究試圖從空間脈絡、空間形式以及政治網絡總結出影響修補的關鍵因素,而藉由如此,我們更能進一步瞭解都市修補術的真正意涵,並以此為基礎做為對現代都市規劃的挑戰,找出一種更具有彈性的修補式都市設計的可能性。


The main concept of this paper is about “urban bricolage”. It implicates certain conscious yet sometimes transient interventions on ‘ruptured’ urban spaces. The urban bricolage attempt to be more individual and random, yet if such a social laboratory is practiced on a collective grassroots level, the effect may further challenge the modern urban planning. I choose the South Airport area in Taipei’s south Wan-hua Distric, as the research case. Since 1950s the South Airport area has become the largest military dependents' community. Immediately, more rural-urban immigrants moved into this area with the process of urbanization in Taipei; the spread of illegal construction and the decline of environmental quality soon followed by the population explosion. In the 1960s, the government built the resettlement housing to accommodate the underprivileged who was relocated from illegal construction. Even resettlement housing didn’t offer an appropriate space for living , but it transformed the image of the South Airport area from an urban slum into a modern housing showcase. Soon after, the government built modern high-rise buildings to implement the urban renewal projects and replaced old military dependents' village. Compared with many failed cases of public housing in the global north, the South Airport housing clusters even stand as an isolated high-rise blocks separated spatially. But the autonomous formation of street markets, it instigates an informal urbanism of collective appropriation of public spaces, but at the same time moderates the inconveniences and planning control of ever-day life. Therefore, this paper appropriates the concept of urban bricolage to reveal the tactics of the grassroots in the South Airport public housing clusters. The first discussion is the South Airport public housing cluster manifest the effect of social segregation by modernist design and urban renewal. Secondly, the street markets in the South Airport housing clusters demonstrate the operative mechanism for their internal conflicts and conundrums as a mode of grassroots urban bricolage. This phenomenon can be seen as a grassroots resistance to the city's governance. Finally, on such a basis suggests bricolage planning to be considered as an alternative to the modernist zoning approaches.




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