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Enrolling and Cultivating Athletic-Talented Students in the University: A Case Study


目的:本研究以校務研究的理論基礎,強調數據研究的實證性,藉以探討大學多元入學管道行之多年的運動績優生招生與培育實施策略。方法:採次級資料分析法與半結構式訪談法,針對個案學校七種運動績優生招生種類蒐整資料,後續再請專家學者進行失效模式與效應分析,針對在學困境之風險因子提出優先解決策略。結果:101~105學年度運動績優生總錄取名額150名,放棄者27名,學期中休退學共計34名,101學年度畢業者14名,放棄與休退比高達40.67%,運動績優生名額平均分布於全校19個學系;101~105學年度運動代表隊對外參賽獲獎紀錄豐碩,公開組於大專盃成績集中在第四~第八名,一般組在近年累積6金6銀3銅表現優異,顯示同儕訓練,切磋精進的成果;另以105-1學業期末總成績換算成PR(Percentile Rank,PR)值探討,其中績優游泳的學生平均PR值最高,為46.34;績優田徑的學生平均PR值最低,為16.78,各種類PR值皆有逐年下降的警訊,應予追蹤注意並及早因應;各種類運動績優生整體就業率良好,89.2%順利進入職場,60%以上能夠依學位專長領域就業,訪談資料亦顯示,多數學生希望能依學系專業能力就職,尤其大型企業積極進用運動績優生,顯見運動員堅毅奮進的工作態度獲得肯定。結論:運動績優生招生立意良善,然入學放棄與休退學比率仍屬偏高,配合校務檢討修正已於106學年度起調整甄試與獨招的名額分配;另面對學習困境,除增加入學前的學系資訊提供外,專家學者建議解決方案之優先順序為增加TA(Teaching Assistant,TA)時數、提供輔導轉系、降低畢業門檻及輔導轉學等策略,藉此提供爾後招生宣傳,以廣徵優秀運動選手入學,並符合教育之多元適性揚才。


校務研究 運動績優生 招生


Purpose: Based on institutional research this study emphasized the empirical study consisting data research to analyze the athletic performance of students. Methods: Secondary data analysis, semi-structured interviews, and failure mode and effects analysis were conducted to collect data. Results: The total number of students in the 101 to 105 academic year was 150; the number of dropouts was 34, the number of graduates was 14, and the number of students currently learning was 75. The athletic-talented students were evenly distributed in 19 departments. Students who participated in sports competitions showed excellent results. Open group of athletic performance is concentrated in the fourth to eighth, General group of students in recent years in the accumulation of 6 gold 6 silver 3 bronze excellent performances. The average PR (Percentile Rank, PR) value of students in the swimming team was 46.34 and that of the track and field team was 16.78; the value of PR is decreasing yearly. The overall employment rate among the athletes was found to be 89.2%, and more than 60% athletes were eligible for employment in disciplinary expertise. Conclusion: This study provided resources to support enrollment into athletics programs among university students. Separate quota has been allocated for athletics performance since 2017. Increasing Teaching Assistance hours, interdepartmental transfers, lowering the graduation threshold, and providing counseling were the strategies suggested by experts. Athletic performance students are expected to exhibit perseverance toward learning to encourage others.


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