  • 學位論文


Network Governance in Rural Community Empowerment: A Case Study of Mai-Lin Community in Nantou County

指導教授 : 江大樹


論文摘要 近年隨著政治民主化的推行,臺灣政經發展過程中的社會力量對民主化之打造、轉型和鞏固,在各個階段都有深遠的影響。然而,未來如何健全化公私部門協力合作的治理模式,藉以提昇政府行政效率,建構公民社會,無疑是現代政府在民主治理下所應關注的重要課題。在行政院文建會1994年的倡議推動下的「社區總體營造」概念,不僅成為臺灣近年來最具突破性的文化政策,也為傳統鄉村帶來新的活力與契機。甚至在九二一地震重建過程中,成為政府與民間大力推動的政策工具之一,並累積諸多成果。 值此,本研究將援引位於地震重建區域中的南投縣國姓鄉梅林社區作為研究案例,輔以社區營造與網絡治理的概念,剖析梅林社區在推動社區營造的過程中,相關的社區營造課題、各議題的行動內容及策略。例如社區行政組織、社區居民、社區產業組織、地方公部門、非營利組織、專家學者等,彼此之間是如何進行協力合作,進而建構出梅林社區的社區營造模式。經本研究發現,梅林社區當前的社區營造主要議題可分為:文化教育學習、社區照顧、社區產業三個部分。文化教育面,涉及糯米橋文化古蹟的保留與應用及數位機會中心(DOC)的利用與推廣;社區照顧則包含:老人人力資源活化、照顧及外籍配偶的教育訓練;社區產業聚焦於社區內一級玫瑰、香茅產業的發展,以及與三級產業休閒、民宿、餐飲兩者之間的產業結盟等諸多議題。 綜觀上述課題,本研究發現各議題面向的網絡模式是有所差異的,未來除應掌握梅林社區的發展優勢外,也應配合社區組織運作能力活化的方案進行優勢使用。至於在各的議題面向上,本研究發現:「糯米橋文化古蹟」係驅動社區凝聚力的價值;數位機會中心DOC的資訊化學習及行銷的強化;實踐社區照顧制度的內涵;異業結盟的利基—產業合作等面向的未來發展方針。至於要如何實踐,本研究建議應採取:1、深化政府與社區之間的夥伴關係;2、社區組織間的正式與非正式的整合;3、產業結盟的健全化;4、強化社區資訊學習與運用的能力;5、社區與輔導團隊之間長期培力的關係養成。期待透過這樣的研究激起更多迴響,讓梅林社區的社區營造更具發展性,另外也可提供其它社區進行學習參考。 關鍵詞:鄉村型社區、社區營造、網絡治理、治理策略、梅林社區


Abstract After 1987, the social force had been being rising, and the private, nonprofit organizations and community organizations had been sharing public service and accountability, and then, they developed a new model of governance. This stream also impacted other policy widely. From 1994s,“Community Empowerment”has been being a grand policy in the Council of Culture Affairs. It has raise grass root, consciousness and community participation has had a grant impact on rural area in Taiwan. Community Empowerment in Taiwan, now has involves a network policy implementation model by nonprofit professional organizations, community organizations and government to make many great achievements, especial in 921 Earthquake. This study takes a case study on the rural community in “Mai-lin community” in Nantou County. In this study wants to explore how about making structure and interaction by nonprofit professional organizations, community organizations and local government in Mai-lin community. According to my study, I found that the community empowerment issues of Mai-lin community are included “Culture Preservation and Learning Education”,“Community Care”, “Community Industries”. Culture Preservation and Learning Education included two dimension, one is “Sticky Rice” Bridge(糯米橋)preservation and renew, another is how to make the DOC program useful learning. Two dimension of community care are elder human resource revive and foreign spouse's training. Community Industries mean primary and thirdly industry how to establish partnership in the future. How can we solute those problems. I suggest that can adapt five mainly stratege:1. restructuring partnership of the government and community;2.making formal and informal community organizations integration;3.building strategy of primary and thirdly industry Coalition;4.strenging the information capacity of community residents;5.building a long-term community empowerment strategy between professional organizations and community organization. Actually, those strategies will be useful for rural community renewal and sustainable development. Key words:rural community, community empowerment, network governance, governing strategy, Mai-lin community.




