  • 學位論文


A study on Motivators and Hygiene Factors of Senior Secondary School Teachers

指導教授 : 林俊彥


本研究旨在探討台灣高中職教師之激勵因子及保健因子,以臺灣49,702位高中職教師為研究母群體,採用便利抽樣方式,共計發放1,075份正式問卷,問卷回收861份,經剔除無效問卷後,有效問卷計831份,回收率為77.30%。統計方法採信度分析、次數分配、平均數、百分比分析、卡方考驗。經資料處理分析後,獲得以下結論: 一、高中職教師之激勵因子包括成就感、認同感、責任感、升遷、成長的可能性、薪資、人際關係、學校經營與管理、工作環境、個人生活及工作保障等因素。 二、高中職教師之保健因子僅教育政策一項,且不因學校和個人背景不同而有差異,顯示教育政策為高中職教師在工作上感到不滿意的主要因素。 三、不同學校背景高中職教師之激勵因子主要差異如下: 1.薪資對私立高中職教師而言為激勵因子,但對公立教師而言,卻非激勵因子。 2.工作保障對公立高中職教師而言為激勵因子,但對私立教師卻不能歸為激勵因子。 3.薪資對北部地區高中職教師而言為保健因子,對南部、東部地區為激勵因子,然而對中部地區高中職教師既非激勵子也非保健因子。 四、不同個人背景高中職教師之激勵因子主要差異如下: 1.學校經營與管理對男性高中職教師而言為激勵因子,但對女性教師而言既非激勵因子,亦非保健因子。 2.升遷對任教年資6~15年之高中職教師而言為激勵因子,但對任教年資少於6年及16-20年之教師既非激勵因子,亦非保健因子。 3.薪資對任教年資少於6年及大於21年以上之高中職教師而言為激勵因子,但對介於6~20年之教師而言既非激勵因子,亦非保健因子。


The purpose of this study is to find out the motivators and hygiene factors of senior secondary school teachers. The population is 49,702 senior secondary school teachers in Taiwan. The researcher used convenience sampling and mailed 1,075 formal questionaries.A total of 861 questionnaires were returned. Among them, 831 valid samples were collected;the effective rate of return is 77.30 %. Statistical methods used include reliability analysis, frequency distribution, mean, percentage analysis, and chi-square test.By analyzing the data, this study reaches the following conclusions: 1.The motivators of senior secondary school teachers are achievement, recognition, responsibility,promotion, possibility of advancement, salary, interpersonal relationship, school management, working conditions, personal life and security. 2.The only one hygiene factor of senior secondary school teachers is educational policy, having no difference even with different school environment or personal background.. 3.The main difference of motivators of senior secondary school teachers with different school background are as follows: (1)Salary is a motivator to private senior secondary school teachers, but it is not a motivator to public senior secondary school teachers. (2)Secutiry is a motivator to public senior secondary school teachers, but it is not a motivator to private senior secondary school teachers. (3)Salary is a hygiene factor to northern senior secondary school teachers, but it is a motivator to southern and eastern senior secondary school teachers. And it is neither a motivator nor a hygiene factor to senior secondary school teachers in central Taiwan. 4.The main difference of motivators of senior secondary school teachers with different personal background are as follows: (1)School management is a motivator to male senior secondary school teachers, but it is neither a motivator nor a hygiene factor to female senior secondary school teachers. (2)Promotion is a motivator to senior secondary school teachers with seniority between 6 and 15 years, but it is neither a motivator nor a hygiene factor to senior secondary school teachers with seniority less than 6 years and between 16 and 20 years. (3)Salary is a mtorivator to senior secondary school teachers with seniority less than 6 years and more than 21 years, but it is neither a motivator nor a hygiene factor to senior secondary school teachers with seniority between 6 and 20 years.




