  • 學位論文


The Study of Combination of Aboriginal's Cultural continuity and Eco-tour

指導教授 : 白滌清 沈景茂


由於全球環境保護意識的抬頭,生態旅遊漸風行。台灣地區實施週休二日,國民旅遊需求增加。加上「無煙囪工業」的觀光產業,為世界各國所重視,與科技產業同被視為明星產業,觀光產業在全球的經濟發展將扮演重要的角色。自然原始的原住民地區,有豐富的文化及生態資源,能提供旅遊地點及環境教育的機會,與生態旅遊的觀念契合。原住民對生活之經營,較一般民眾為辛苦。結合原住民部落之好山好水好風光與各族獨特的文化,構建原住民部落風情,提供休憩旅遊的好去處、提昇原住民就業率以及促進原住民部落的經濟發展有所助益。本研究主要研究之目的為:1.探討生態旅遊的認知與原住民部落旅遊之關聯性;2.探討原住民部落旅遊與原住民文化傳承之關聯性;3.探討生態旅遊的認知與原住民文化傳承之關聯性。 以原住民地區經營民宿之業者及一般民眾,為研究對象。本研究分專家深度訪談及問卷調查兩階段進行,第一階段,進入原住民地區,與從事生態保育人員、民宿經營之業者,進行深度訪談。訪談內容彙整資料發展成問卷,進行第二階段之問卷調查。原住民地區民宿業者採郵寄問卷,計發放445份問卷;遊客部分採便利抽樣,計發放219份問卷,總計發放664份問卷,問卷回收業者部分回收102份,遊客部分回收170份,總計272份。問卷回收率業者部份為22.92%,遊客部份為77.62%。 研究結果發現,原住民對於推動生態旅遊有共識,對發展生態旅遊,充滿信心。成立地區性專責機構,有助於生態旅遊的推動。但在旅遊經營方面,原住民業者通常有缺乏經營概念、不積極、經營理念整合不易。至於生態旅遊與部落旅遊關聯性、部落旅遊與文化傳承關聯性、及文化傳承與生態旅遊關聯性之間,有正向關聯性,構面間屬高度正相關。豐富的天然資源及自身原住民文化,原住民與生態是共生共存的。部落旅遊加入原住民特有的文化素材,讓遊客能有體驗的機會,一趟令人期待的旅程,相較於一般的旅程,對於遊客會較有吸引力。部落旅遊的元素中,有了生態,加入了文化傳承,部落旅遊就更為生動了。同時,遊客進行生態旅遊時,總期待原住民文化得以傳承,俾使生態旅遊與原住民文化交互激盪出火花,讓文化傳承與生態旅遊能相互影響輝映。


The national tourism booms due to the world-wide increase of environmental consciousness, the prevalence of ecotour, two-day holidays for a week being implemented in Taiwan. The tourism , so-called non-smokestack-industry , is paid more attention to and it keeps pace with high-tech industries. It plays important role to get along with economic promotion universally. There exists vivid culture and abundant nature resource in pristine aborigine areas. Wherein the tour spots and the chance of environmental education could be offered easily. And this point harmonizes with the concept of ecotour. Compare with general public, it’s harder for the aboriginal to earn a living. To combine the good mountains and waters, inspirational landscape and the unusual cultures from different indigen tribal into a special aboriginal atmosphere. It will offer good tourism spots, escalate aboriginal employment and benefit developing aboriginal economy. The study focuses on the ecotour, aboriginal cultural continuity and aboriginal tourism. For the similar quality of 3 kinds of the primary dimensions. Trying to find out the correlation between 2 of the 3 primary dimensions. The main purpose of the study is: 1.Explore the relations between the cognitive of ecotour and aboriginal tourism; 2.Explore the relations between aboriginal tourism and aboriginal culture continuity; 3.Explore the relations between the cognitive of ecotour and aboriginal culture. The research population of this study is those who run homestay at the indigen areas and the visitors. The study was divided into two parts, and exploratory research method was adopted at the first stage , deep into indigen areas to interview with ecologists ,homestay conductors and residents wherein. Integrating the contents of interviews into questionnaire survey to proceed the second-phase study. The descriptive study was adopted at the second stage , conducted by distributing different questionnaires separately to homestay conductors in indigen areas and tourists who was convenience sampled. The total size of these two samples is 664 - 445 and 219 respectively. And the valid return rates are 22.92% and 77.62% for 102 and 170 copies received separately. Results of this study reveal that there approaches common consensus among the aborigine to promote ecotour industries, and it is foreseen to be getting better with confidence. To establish local dedicate promote institution will benefit the promotion of ecotour. But refer to conduct a ecotour, the aboriginal conductors in common are deficient in know-how, even they are passive, and not knowing how to integrate their idea, resources etc. Aside from this point, there exist highly positive relation between ecotour and tribal tour, between tribal tour and culture continuity, and between culture continuity and ecotour. Abounding natural resources and aboriginal culture itself, the aborigine and the natural environment are symbiotic. It will be more attractive than general tourism and tourists will be excited and scramble for the journey, if they could add aboriginal distinctive culture material into tribal tour and make tourist to experience it. Take ecotour to be an element of tribal tour, and add materials about culture continuity into it, the tribal tour will be more vivid. Meanwhile most tourists expect that aboriginal culture can be handed down for generations and ecotour and the aboriginal culture continuity will sparkle and get refection for one another when they proceed with an ecotour.


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