  • 學位論文

企業內部知識種類及其移轉方式之研究 -人際關係類型與行為導向之影響觀點

A Research on the Knowledge Types and Transfer Methods Within the Organization-Perspective on the Influences of Interpersonal Relationship Patterns and Behavioral Orientations

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


隨著廿一世紀而來的全球化、多樣化、快速化及客製化等轉變,企業間與產業間的競合關係可以幻化無常來形容,企業內部亦然,這些變化都是近年來促使企業越發重視知識管理(knowledge management)的重要原因。本研究在現有西方知識管理理論的基礎上,同時考量本地文化傳統之影響,探討不同的人際關係與行為導向,對企業內部在移轉知識之種類與方式上是否有不同的或特別的影響。 根據本研究之研究動機及目的,本研究著重於企業部門主管對部屬在不同的人際關係類型與行為導向(由不同的人際關係類型發展而來,以垂直權力關係及水平情感關係二構面區分成重用導向、培植導向、支配導向及隔離導向等)下,對移轉之知識種類(以績效關聯度及重要整合度二構面區分成策略性知識、專屬化知識、標準化知識及彙整性知識等)和移轉方式(以雙方互動回饋度及人際連帶度二構面區分成雙向協同式、雙向工具式、單向教導式及單向工具式等)的影響進行分析。本研究針對大台北地區各類企業以便利抽樣方法進行資料收集,總共寄、送發200份問卷,回收143份,另輔以電子郵件問卷共計回收20份,有效問卷合計152份。茲將本研究各項重要結論摘述如下: 一、行為導向對移轉知識種類的影響-就各行為導向而言,在重用導向下,部門主管對整體評價高的部屬以移轉績效關聯度高與重要整合度高的知識(策略性知識)較多,而對整體評價低的部屬則以重要整合度高的知識較多。在培植導向下,部門主管對整體評價高的部屬以移轉績效關聯度高的知識較多,而對整體評價低的部屬則無特定知識之移轉。在支配導向下,部門主管對整體評價高的部屬以移轉業務上有關且需要專業判斷、實際習作的知識(專屬化知識)較多,而對整體評價低的部屬則以績效關聯度高的知識較多。而在隔離導向下,部門主管所移轉的知識則不會因部屬整體評價而有所差異。 二、行為導向對知識移轉方式的影響-就各行為導向而言,在重用導向下,部門主管對整體評價高的部屬會以面對面的人際互動方式(雙向協同式)來移轉,而對整體評價低的部屬則以互動回饋度高但人際連帶度低的方式(雙向工具式)為主。在培植導向下,部門主管對整體評價低的部屬較會採用師徒制的教導方式(單向教導式)來移轉,但對整體評價高的部屬則不限於使用特定方式。在支配導向下,部門主管對整體評價低的部屬會以互動回饋度高的方式(雙向式)較多,但對整體評價高的部屬則不限於使用特定方式。而在隔離導向下,部門主管對整體評價高的部屬以面對面的人際互動方式(協同或教導式)較多,而對整體評價低的部屬則無差異。 三、綜合而言,部門主管對整體評價高的部屬所移轉的知識種類,若其特徵越是重複使用、書面化、越是需要專業判斷、實際實作的以及與績效直接有關的知識(策略性知識及專屬化知識),其移轉知識的方式越會採用人際連帶度高與互動回饋度高的方式(雙向協同式)。 本研究因時間、人力及財力等資源之限制,故在研究設計上不易收集充分之資料,這個困難包含抽樣之家數(不易過濾員工人數較少的企業)及填答的人數(部門主管僅比較二位部屬),使得分析結果未能充分表遠原觀念架構所述內容。另一方面,本研究嘗試就本國文化特質進行探索性的研究,這是有意義的但也是辛苦、高風險的。後續的研究即可針對本研究未能充分探索的觀念或變數來加以修正,另在研究設計上亦可據以改進並做更完整之分析。


Facing 21st century with fast and turbulent changes of globalization, diversification, customization, and the unstable co-opetition relationships among enterprises and industries, together with the personnel problems within the organizations, many enterprises around the world start to pay attention to Knowledge Management (KM) seriously in nowadays. This research is theoretically based on the western concepts of KM, meanwhile combining the traditional cultural characteristics as the aggregate influence to the intra-organizational knowledge transfer activities. According to the motives and purposes of the research, the author analyzes the influence of behavioral orientations (derived from the interpersonal relationship patterns) to the types of knowledge being transferred as well as the knowledge transfer methods. This research uses convenient sampling from the enterprises of Taipei Metro (200 questionnaires being sent out, 143 were returned; and e-mail questionnaires being used as an auxiliary with 20 returned), and a total of 152 valid questionnaires are collected and analyzed. The research findings and results are as follows: 1. Behavioral orientations vs. the types of knowledge being transferred (briefing): When department manager interacts with his subordinates by trusted-delegating orientation, strategic knowledge is most likely to be transferred to the highly valued subordinate, and aggregated knowledge is most likely to be transferred to the poorly valued one on the other hand. When department manager interacts with his subordinates by dominating orientation, he transfers more on specified knowledge to the highly valued subordinate and transfers performance-related knowledge to the poorly valued one instead. When department manager interacts with his subordinates by isolating orientation, there is no significant difference between the knowledge types he transfers to these two subordinates. 2. Behavioral orientations vs. the knowledge transfer methods (briefing): When department manager interacts with his subordinates by trusted-delegating orientation, two-way collaborative method is most likely to be adopted to the highly valued subordinate, and two-way instrumental method is most likely to be used to the poorly valued one instead. When department manager interacts with his subordinates by trusted-cultivating orientation, he tries more on one-way mentoring method to the poorly valued subordinate. However, there is no specific method he uses to do the transferring job to the highly valued one. When department manager interacts with his subordinates by dominating orientation, he tries more on two-way interacting method to the poorly valued subordinate, and shows no specific transferring method to the highly valued one. These two results of “no specific method” are different in nature, which means the manager may transfer knowledge in many ways under trusted-cultivating circumstance and does little under dominating circumstance. 3.In summary, the statistical analysis shows there is a significant result to those highly valued subordinates. The more specified knowledge and strategic knowledge the department manager transfers to the highly valued subordinates, the more two-way collaborative method he will use. The relationships between these two types of knowledge and this transfer method are highly correlated. This research was subjected to limited resources the author could manage. Therefore the findings and results are not comprehensive enough to deriving satisfactory conclusion. The further suggestions to the future research are to modify the cultural-specific variables as well as to choose the larger companies with numerous employees (to get a better result of comparison).


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