  • 學位論文


A Study on Benefit Evaluation of Interpretation services in Xingang Bantaoyao Tourism Factory

指導教授 : 程紹同


本研究主要之目的,在於探討遊客對於觀光工廠解說服務構面之重要程度及滿意程度,以及與遊客屬性之間的關係。 本研究以新港板陶窯交趾陶剪黏園區為實證研究之基地,並以問卷調查方式,了解遊客之屬性、以及遊客對觀光工廠解說服務構面之重要程度及滿意程度,且利用IPA分析法了解新港板陶窯交趾陶剪黏園區本身之優、缺點,以提供經營者進行檢討改進的建議。獲得有效樣本數總共436份。經由資料分析獲得的結果如下: 一、新港板陶窯交趾陶剪黏園區遊客類型以20~49歲的中、壯齡人口為主,旅遊次數以第一次最多,教育程度最多者為大專院校,參觀園區的遊客中以學生占多數,居住地以南部地區者最多,資訊來源主要來自家人以及朋友。 二、解說服務重要程度與解說服務滿意程度之間有顯著差異,且重要程度皆高於滿意程度,顯示解說服務仍有其改善的空間。 三、利用IPA分析可知新港板陶窯交趾陶剪黏園區需要改進的部分在應繼續保持之解說項目共15項,應加強改善之解說服務項目共有5項,包括解說資訊提供及諮詢服務構面之「解說人員具專業解說技巧及知識」及「解說摺頁容易取得」;展示空間構面中的「能介紹所在地之自然環境特徵」、「展示空間內解說看板字體大小得宜」、「參觀動線能清楚引導遊客至各展示主題」;改善優先順序較低之解說項目共15項,供給過度之解說服務共4項。 四、展示空間對於整體滿意度有較高的解釋力。


The purpose of this research is to understand the differences between the importance and the satisfaction of the Xingang Bantaoyao tourism factory. The evaluation of interpretation service was measured by visitors’ characteristics, visitor importance and satisfaction toward the service of interpretation, and the facts relative to the above aspects. A questionnaire survey was conducted in this study. The total number of valid samples in Xingang Bantaoyao tourism factory was 436. According to the analysis, some conclusions were made: 1. In terms of the demographic attributes, the major tourists who visited the Xingang Bantaoyao tourism factory were teenager and prime. The sources of traveling information were mainly from family and friends. 2. There was a significant difference between the importance and satisfaction of interpretation service. The despondences agreed that the “importance” is greater than the “satisfaction” on each of the six components. 3. The results of IPA analysis in Xingang Bantaoyao tourism factory which needed to improve were 15 variables located in “Quadrant I-Keep Up the Good Work”, and 5 variables located in Quadrant II-Concentrate Here”, and 15 variables located in “Quadrant III-Low Priority”, and the 4 variable located in “Quadrant IV-Possible Overkill”. 4. According to multiple regression analysis, exhibits area was positively correlated with overall satisfaction.


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