  • 學位論文


Study on the present operation of Curriculum Development Committee in junior high schools

指導教授 : 楊思偉


本研究旨在藉由國內外相關文獻的整理與分析以及透過國民中學課程發展委員會運作現況的瞭解,歸納呈現本研究之結論,並提出建議,以期能作為各校課程發展委員會執行時的參考。而為達成前述之目的,在研究方法方面兼具質性與量化的特性,採用文件分析法、問卷調查法以及訪談調查法等方式來進行。根據研究結果,得到以下結論: 一、學校成員對課發會的認知情形 (一) 學校成員整體而言對課發會的認知程度不高。 (二) 學校成員透過各種方式去瞭解課發會相關概念的情形偏低。 二、學校課發會的運作情形 (一)課發會委員中,以學習領域召集人、教務主任、教學組長以及校長最為學校成員所熟知。 (二)委員的任期多數規定為一年,大都由各學習領域推薦;開會的時段以共同空堂時間及臨時決定為主,且召開的期程以不定期召開的情形較多。 (三)課發會與各學習領域召集人互動尚稱密切,決策通常是透過各處室與教師協助執行,且教務處在課發會的運作過程中扮演關鍵性的角色。 三、課發會運作的成效 (一) 課發會運作在分配各學習領域的學習節數及研訂全校整體課程發展計畫成效較佳;在審查、評鑑以及學校教師專業成長課程發展上成效較低。 (二) 校長、行政人員與課發會委員對課發會運作的具體成果較一般教師持正向肯定的看法。 (三) 課發會委員認為課發會的運作對教師在課程與教學上有所助益的符合程度高於非課發會委員,且課發會的運作提供不同學習領域互動的機會。 四、課發會運作遭遇的困難 (一) 教師對課發會的認知與課程發展專業能力不足,且缺少本身以外學習領域專業知識,故無法對其他領域的課程計畫與教學目標等提供意見。 (二) 家長與社區的不重視,擔任委員的教師缺乏有效的報酬或獎勵措施,參與意願均偏低。 (三) 學校的「課發會」缺乏學者專家的專業指導;政府配套措施無法全然配合學校所需。 (四) 學校成員對課發會的功能定位仍存有疑慮,加上相關溝通與宣導不足,無法廣為學校成員所瞭解。 (五) 學校領導者消極應付的態度影響課發會的實質的運作。 根據本研究結果與歸納之結論提出若干意見,以供各相關單位參考: 一、主管教育行政機關應授權學校人力資源規劃的彈性,給予委員實質獎勵。且應加強對各校的監督與發展,提供相關的支援與資源,確保課發會運作品質。 二、學校應透過教育與研習,提升委員專業素養;透過參與人員多元化,提升委員代表性。另應提供委員與委員及委員與教師間對話的機制,增進彼此瞭解;成立學校內專責學習領域研究小組,提供課程發展專業團隊。並將課發會開會日期排入行事曆,透過制度化將之導入學校行政中。 三、教師應自我形成學習型組織,提升專業水準,並改變排斥變革的觀念,符應教育改革趨勢。


The thesis of the paper is the ideas about the operational status quo of Committee of Curriculum Development in junior high schools by analyzing both native and foreign documents while coming up with the conclusion and some suggestions to be references for the educational reform policies is followed. By applying the quality and quantity considered research methods, such as document analysis, questionnaire survey, and interview, the conclusion goes as followed. First, school members don’t have thorough cognitive understanding about Committee of Curriculum Development generally. Besides, their will to know the committee better is not well-emphasized. Second, the operational status quo of the committee is established based on “Essentials of Nine Year Consistent Curriculum for Junior High and Elementary Schools.” The term of office of best-known members, the conveners of each learning fields, the directors and leaders of teaching affairs, and principals, is one year. Besides, members come into being mostly by recommendation; schedules of meetings are often held at common null curriculums or scheduled temporarily, so most meetings are not held regularly. However, the interaction between conveners and the committee is supposed to be close. Policies are usually carried out by mediation between teachers and each office. The teaching affair centers play a critical role in operation. Third, the committee works better in distributing the number of learning classes for each learning fields and planning developmental in curriculum than evaluating teacher’s professional growth in curriculum development. Principals, administrative and committee members have more positive viewpoints toward its operation than teachers do. But members think the operation of the committee helps teachers more both in curriculum and teaching than non-committee members. Meanwhile, the committee also provides different international opportunities of learning fields. Fourth, that teachers have no full understanding toward the committee, lack of proficiency of “curriculum development” and professional knowledge about other learning fields is the filter in operation. They are not able to provide any ideas about curriculum plans and teaching goals for other learning fields. There are also problems that parents and communities lack concern of it, teachers elected as the members are not well reward, the policies of government don’t go well with the need of school, and school members still suspect about the function of the committee. What’s worse, the insufficient communication and introduction about the committee makes the committee not well known by school members and the leaders hold negative attitude toward the operation of the committee. The conclusion of the paper comes up with some ideas as the references for the board of related affairs. Education administrative institution should authorize flexibility for the human resources of school, give the members positive reward, reinforce the monitors and development of each school, and provide related support and resources to ensure the quality of the committee in operation. Schools have to make the organization of members to be multiple, promote the representatives of members and the professional level of members by life-long education, provide members and teachers with access of dialogue to reinforce the understanding to each other, establish one professional curriculum developmental research group to be responsible for the learning fields at school, and arrange meetings of the committee as part of the schedule, inducing this into school administration by systemizations. Teachers should shape the image of learning organization to promote the professional standard and accept the ideas of change to correspond with the trend of educational reform.




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