  • 期刊

逼實意象模式及意象型態應用 對大專射箭國手之個案研究

A case study of PETTLEP Model and imagery type applying to a university archer of national team


緒論:本研究試圖整合Martin, Mortiz,與Hall (1999)意象型態與Holmes與Collins (2001)的逼實(PETTLEP)意象模式為理論架構,主要為探討意象介入對優秀射箭運動員技能表現、狀態性自信心、正面情緒之提升以及焦慮狀態降低之效益。方法:本研究以現役射箭國手為研究對象,以單一受試者A-B設計進行實驗介入。基礎期(A期)不介入任何意象訓練,藉由問卷測量方式了解參與者狀態自信心、狀態焦慮、情緒之情形及實施射箭技能表現之測量。CS意象型態介入前經過基礎期9次測量,MG-M與MG-A意象型態,經過基礎期18次測量後,立即進入介入期(B期)。介入期以CS、MG-M與MG-A意象型態結合PETTLEP意象模式要素分別進行介入,介入期間,受試者聆聽完意象指導語後,隨即填寫三份問卷及進行射箭技能測量。實驗結束後,以意象日誌與社會效度問卷了解受試者對意象介入的投入情況與真實評價。所得資料以視覺分析以及C統計法進行資料處理。結果:經由分析顯示,PETTLEP意象模式結合CS意象介入對射箭技能無顯著提升效益;PETTLEP意象模式結合MG-M意象介入,對自信心並無顯著提升效益;PETTLEP意象模式結合MG-A意象介入,能有效降低射箭運動員的焦慮狀態;PETTLEP意象模式結合動機意象介入,對提升正面情緒未具顯著效果。結論:經由研究結果得知,MG-A意象能夠有效降低焦慮狀態。最後,針對研究結果提供未來實務應用與研究提出進一步建議。


Introduction: The theoretical structure of this research was composed of the application model of mental imagery on sports activity by Martin, Moritz and Hall (1999) and PETTLEP model by Holmes and Collins (2001). It was aimed to investigate the efficacy of imagery intervention on enhancement of archery athlete skill performance, self-confidence and the elevation of positive emotions as well as mitigation of athlete anxiety. Methods: The chosen subject was the national champion archery athlete. The single case which is designed for A-B was use for intervention experiment. During basis phase (phase A) without imagery intervention training, questionnaire measure was conducted to investigate the status of athlete’s self-confidence, anxiety, emotions and skill performance. After 9 times of measurements during basis phase, here came along the intervention CS imagery; and after 18 times of measurements during basis phase, the intervention MG-M and MG-A imagery came along. In the interventions (phase B) of CS, MG-M and MG-A integrated with PETTLEP imagery model had been applied individually to observe the changes of the tested athlete status. During this phase, the participant was asked to fill out three copies of questionnaires and proceeded with archery skill test after listening to the imagery instructions. Upon completing the experiment, social validity questionnaire and imagery diary had been applied to understand the imagery intervention to the participant condition. The derived data was analyzed with the methodology of visual analysis and C statistics for data processing. Results: The findings were as following: CS imagery intervention did not display any enhancement of skill performance as expected; There was no sign of enhancement of athlete’s self-confidence by MG-M imagery intervention; MG-A imagery intervention did have mitigation effect on the athlete’s anxiety; There was no evidence of any enhancement of the athlete’s elevation of positive emotions by motivation imagery intervention. Conclusion: The MG-A imagery intervention did have mitigation effect on the athlete anxiety. Practical implications and directions for future research were also recommended.


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