  • 學位論文


Morphological Characteristics and Cambial Variants in Menispermaceae in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊勝任




The species identification in the family Menispermaceae is generally on the basis of the leaves shape, but some genera of the this family are similar in leaf shape, and it is not easy to identify correctly if the reproductive organs are lacking. In the past, the lack of characteristics of endocarps, stem transverse sections, and climbing modes in Menispermaceae, the purpose of this study was to investigate characters of the leaves, male and female flowers, fruits, endocarps, and the anomalous structure of stems to facilitate identification. During 2012 to 2015, a total of 16 species of Menispermaceae were collected, including one newly recorded species, Cissampelos pareira L. var. hirsuta (DC.) Forman. The results show that the flowering period of Taiwan Menispermaceae is from March to August. In the habits, Cocculus laurifolius DC. is a shrub and the remaining 15 species are climber. The climbing modes of all the investigated species are twining and dextrorse stems. The genus Cissampelos is a newly recorded genus in Taiwan and this newly recorded species, Cissampelos pareira var. hirsuta, is described and illustrated. The study suggested that the leaves of Cissampelos pareira var. hirsuta and Cyclea insularis (Makino) Hatusima are similar in shape, resulting in identifying both as the same species and the latter was the line-drawing materials in the past 20 years. Cissampelos pareira var. hirsuta can be differentiated from Cyclea insularis by the characteristics of the petals of staminate flowers are united into patelliform, and by comparing the bracts of pistillate infructescence in the former species. The anther split of the genera Cocculus and Pericampylus are revised as longitudinal. In the fruit parts, the style scar of Tinospora dentata Diels is apical, and the endocarp is straight in shape, and those of the remaining 13 species are basal and endocarps are horseshoe in shape. The anomalous structure of the stem comprised successive cambia in Cocculus laurifolius, a combination of xylem in plates and dissected xylem in Cocculus orbiculatus (L.) DC., and xylem in plates in the remaining 14 species. In the genus Cyclea, parenchyma proliferation from the secondary xylem resulted in the development of 1–3 linear lobes in each collateral vascular bundle. Cocculus orbiculatus had the longest collateral vascular bundles, longest rays and widest rays. Cyclea ochiaiana had the widest collateral vascular bundles. Sinomenium acutum (Thunb.) Rehder & E. H. Wils. had the highest vessel density. Our findings highlight new anatomical characteristics for species identification in the Menispermaceae in Taiwan.


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