  • 學位論文


The Image of Different Finishings of Transparent Plastic

指導教授 : 曹永慶


本研究之目的在探討「著色」、「背面噴漆」、「濺鍍」、「半透明」等4種透明塑膠材料之表面處理的透明意象。 本研究內容主要分為兩大部分:第一部分先以4種不同表面處理之標準化透明色板為樣本,進行透明意象測試,探討透明材質之4種表面處理、透明意象、個人喜好三者間之具體關係;第二部分再以此4種表面處理在隨身碟產品設計上之應用為例,利用電腦模擬的3D動態產品樣本,進行透明意象測試,探討隨身碟之4種不同表面處理之間的差異關係、透明意象結構及不同表面處理之隨身碟與透明意象之對應關係。進一步再探討個人偏好與透明意象之因果關係,最後依歸納結果進行驗證。 第一部分:透明材料之4種不同表面處理之透明意象 (1) 透明材料之4種不同表面處理之透明意象可由「清新的-混沌的」、「自然的-造作的」兩大要因所構成。 (2)「著色」偏向清新與自然之意象,「背面噴漆」僅略為偏向清新之意象,「濺鍍」偏向清新與造作之意象,「半透明」偏向混沌之意象。 (3) 4種不同表面處理在「簡潔的-雜亂的」、「輕盈的-笨重的」、「喜歡的-討厭的」三組意象上無顯著差異,而在「晶瑩的-混濁的」、「精緻的-粗糙的」、「亮麗的-暗淡的」、「科技的-傳統的」、「自然的-人工的」、「開放的-封閉的」、「涼爽的-溫暖的」、「柔和的-堅硬的」八組透明意象上呈現顯著差異。 (4) 在「喜歡的」評價上,4種表面處理均獲受測者喜好,且受到「喜歡的」之表面處理必須具有「柔和的」「亮麗的」、「涼爽的」、「科技的」之意象。 第二部分:具不同表面處理之隨身碟的透明意象 (1) 不同表面處理之隨身碟之透明意象可由「高貴的-廉價的」、「自由的-束縛的」、「情感的-理智的」三大要因所構成。 (2)「濺鍍」偏向高貴之意象,「半透明」則偏向廉價之意象,「著色」與「背面噴漆」僅略為傾向高貴,但卻不明顯,光澤度與鏡像感愈強烈愈傾向高貴之意象。「著色」偏向自由而顯得開放,「背面噴漆」則偏向束縛而顯得封閉。「背面噴漆」偏向情感而顯得夢幻,「著色」則偏向理智而顯得真實。 (3) 「濺鍍」在大部分透明意象之評價最高,也最令受測者喜愛。而「半透明」在大部分透明意象之評價最低,且令受測者感到討厭,顯示在隨身碟設計上應避免使用「半透明」表面處理。 (4) 受到「喜歡的」之隨身碟,其表面處理必須具有「科技的」、「高貴的」之意象,尤其「濺鍍」效果最為顯著。 (5)「濺鍍」表面處理若將其產品化,應該較能真正呈現其商品價值而受到歡迎。 關鍵詞:透明意象、表面處理、濺鍍


透明意象 表面處理 濺鍍


The purpose of this study is to explore the transparent images of 4 fininishings of transparent plastic material such as “coloration”, “reverse spray paint”, “sputtering deposition” and “translucency”. The contents of this study can be divided into 2 parts: In the first part, we use standardized transparent color board of 4 different finishings as the sample to conduct the test of transparent image exploring the relationships between 4 finishings of transparent material, transparent image and personal preference; in the second part, we, taking the application of such 4 finishings on designing mobile drive for instance, use computer-simulated 3D dynamic product painting as the sample to conduct the test of transparent image exploring the difference relationships between 4 finishings of mobile drive, structure of transparent image as well as the corresponding relationship between mobile drive of different finishings and transparent image. Going further, we will explore the causal relationship between personal preference and transparent image and finally verify it according to induced results. First part: The transparent image of 4 different finishings of transparent material (1)The transparent image of 4 different finishings of transparent material can be composed of 2 factors such as “clear-fuzzy” and “natural-contrived”. (2)”Coloration” tends to clear and natural, “reverse spray paint” slightly tends to clear, “sputtering deposition” tends to clear and contrived and “translucency” tends to fuzzy. (3)The 4different finishings show no salient differences over 3 sets of transparent image such as “concise-chaotic”, “light-heavy”, “liking-hating”, while showing salient differences over 8 sets of transparent image such as “sparkling-cloudy”, “delicate-rough”, “shining-dusky”, “technological-traditional”, “natural-artificial”, “open-close”, “cool-warm” and “soft-hard”. (4)As for the evaluation of “liking”, the 4 finishings are liked by the respondents; besides, the “liked” finishing must have the images of “soft”, “shining”, “cool” and “technological”. Second part: The transparent image of mobile drive with different finishings (1)The transparent image of mobile drive with different finishings can be composed of 3 factors such as “expensive-cheap”, “free-binding” and “emotional-rational”. (2)”Sputtering deposition” tends to expensive, “translucency” tends to cheap, “coloration” and “reverse spray paint” tend slightly to expesive but not salient in which the stronger the brightness and mirror-feeling, the more expensive it tends. “Coloration” inclines to free and show open, while “reverse spray paint” inclines to binding and show close. “Reverse spray paint” tends to emotional and show dreaming, while “coloration” tends to rational and show real. (3)”Sputtering deposition” tops most of transparent image evaluations and is liked best by respondents. Whiel “translucency” bottoms most of transparent image evaluations and is hated by respondents showing that we should avoid fininshing of “translucency” on designing mobile drive. (4)The finishing of “liked” mobile drive must have the images of “technological” and “expensive”, the effect of “sputtering deposition” is especially salient. (5)If we use “sputtering deposition” finishing on products, we can display their commodity value and make them popular. Key Words: transparent image, finishing, sputtering deposition


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21、鈺衡科技股份有限公司,網址 http://www.ehtek-v.com/technique.htm


