  • 學位論文


On the Relationships among Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention for Employee-A Case Study on Taipei City Health Center

指導教授 : 蘇喜


本研究之主要目的在藉由探討員工組織承諾、工作滿意度,以了解臺北市健康服務中心員工的離職傾向,並探討各變項間的關聯性。本研究利用結構式問卷以健康服務中心扣除主任後的全體編制內員工為對象,進行橫斷式調查研究,於98年3月6日至3月16日間共發放問卷330份,回收327份,回收率99.1%。扣除2份填答不完全的無效問卷,有效問卷325份,有效回收率達98.5%。 所得資料依研究目的及變項性質,利用SPSS 12.0中文版套版軟體進行分析,包括信度分析、描述性統計分析、推論性統計分析(t檢定、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析等)。 主要研究結果顯示: 一、健康服務中心的員工對於現行的組織有略高於中等程度的承諾,也有略高於中等程度的工作滿意,但離職想法稍高,不過真正實際去找過其他工作者則稍低。 二、健康服務中心員工個人的年齡、婚姻狀況、子女數、教育程度、職稱(務)、是否擔任主管職以及在本機關服務年資會影響對於組織承諾認知程度。 三、健康服務中心員工個人的性別、教育程度、職稱(務)以及是否擔任主管會影響工作滿意度。 四、健康服務中心員工對於組織承諾的認知與離職傾向之間呈現顯著負相關,其中又以情感性承諾的影響最明顯;同時健康服務中心員工的工作滿意度與離職傾向之間亦呈現顯著負相關,其中又以外在滿意度的影響最明顯。而組織承諾對於員工離職傾向的影響,大於工作滿意度的影響。 五、健康服務中心員工在工作上滿意程度與組織承諾為顯著正相關,即工作上滿意程度愈高,則其組織承諾認知的程度也愈高。 六、依複迴歸分析結果,對健康服務中心員工離職傾向有顯著影響的因素,為情感性承諾與規範性承諾。 七、年資4∼6年與2∼3年的員工對於組織的規範性承諾低於年資1年以下的新進員工,同時離職傾向也較高。非主管職員工內、外在滿意度均低於主管職者,同時離職傾向也較高。


This study aimed to investigate the association among organizational commitment, job satisfaction and turnover intention in Taipei City Health Center. Cross sectional study was designed in this study and data was collected via structured questionnaire from 6th to 16th March 2009 and 330 questionnaires were sent out. The eligible subject included all employees in Taipei City Health Center but excluded directors. 327 questionnaires were replied, but 2 were invalid. Therefore, there are 325 valid questionnaires, with 98.5% response rate. Statistical methods included reliability analysis, descriptive statistics analysis and inferential statistical analysis, with using t-test, one way analysis of variance and multiple regression analysis via SPSS software vision 12.0. The result of this study explored, (1)Employees of the health centre had slight higher middle level of commitment to the current organization. Meanwhile, with slight higher middle level of job satisfaction. Although the subjects with higher intention of leaving, the slight lower of other job hunting. (2) Seven personal characteristics, included age, marital status, number of dependents, educational level, position title, person in charge and years of service had significant impact to organizational commitment. (3) There were significant associations between job satisfaction and the subjects’ gender, educational level, position title and person in charge. (4) The result appeared a significant negative association between organization commitment and turnover intention, especially the impact of affective commitment. Additionally, it displayed a significant negative association between job satisfaction and turnover intention, particularly, the impact of the extrinsic satisfaction obviously the most. Furthermore, an organizational commitment impacts to employees’intention of leaving was greater than job satisfaction. (5) There was a positive association between organizational commitment and job satisfaction, means that higher job satisfaction with higher organizational commitment. (6) Based on the result analyzed by multiple regression analysis, the factors impact on turnover intention associated with two variables, affective commitment and normative commitment. (7) The subjects with 4-6 years of service and 2-3 years of service had lower organizational commitment than <1 year subjects, also, with higher intention of turnover. In addition, non-managerial staffs with lower intrinsic satisfaction and extrinsic satisfaction than managerial staffs had higher turnover intention.


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