  • 學位論文


Differences in Job Satisfaction and Retention and the Conisitency of Leadership Styles Perceptions Between Head Nurses and Nurses

指導教授 : 張文英 教授


護理長的領導風格及護理人員對其領導風格之感受,不但攸關病人照護結果與護理人員在臨床工作表現與留任意願,亦會影響其領導績效。因此,本研究目的旨在探討護理長與護理人員對領導風格之吻合度,護理長與護理人員的個人基本屬性與工作滿意度、留任意願的關係,吻合度的高低對護理人員工作滿意度及留任意願的影響,以及領導風格之吻合度與工作滿意度、留任意願的相關性。本研究設計為橫斷式問卷調查,以台灣某財團法人醫院之四院區符合收案標準之護理長與護理人員為研究對象。研究工具為多元領導特性量表、護理長及護理人員之基本屬性及留任意願、工作滿意度等之結構式問卷。資料收集後以獨立t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe事後檢定、卡方檢定、Pearsons’基差相關等做分析。 結果顯示護理長與護理人員對領導風格之整體平均吻合度為低度吻合度,以交易型最高(32.44%),其次為轉化型(30.94%),最後為放任型(29.95%);每題相同回答之吻合度最高為「注意力全部集中在處理錯誤、抱怨與失誤上」(38.8%),最差為「在事情惡化前,採取行動與措施」(12.2%)。而工作滿意度及留任意願中,護理人員的平均工作滿意度為5.39分(SD=1.93),有86.6%的護理人員願意留任。其中,教育程度為專科、目前無在職進修者、曾參加行政訓練、年齡愈大、護理工作年資愈久、擔任護理長年資愈久的護理長,其護理人員的工作滿意度較高;而已婚、其他科別、年齡愈大、擔任護理長年資愈久的護理長,其護理人員的留任意願較高。此外,各單位護理人員與護理長領導風格之吻合度,在「轉化型領導風格」與「交易型領導風格」中,低度吻合度者的工作滿意度較低(p<0.01),而「放任型領導風格」高度吻合度者的工作滿意度較低(p<0.01)。 本研究結果除能瞭解目前護理長與護理人員感受領導風格的吻合度程度之外,並能深入探討護理長與護理人員的基本屬性對工作滿意度及留任意願之影響,以及不同程度之吻合度對工作滿意度及留任意願之影響,以提供未來醫院及護理長提升工作滿意度及留任意願策略之參考。


The leadership style of head nurses and nurses not only affect the patient care, but also nurses' work performance and retention in the hospitals. Therefore, the aims of this study focused on exploring the correlation between head nurses’ and nurses’ perceptions toward to leadership styles, the degree of consistency, and its impacts on nurses' job satisfaction and retention. The study design was a cross-sectional questionnaire survey. Data were collected from nurses and head nurses in four hospitals. Instruments used included multifactor leadership questionnaire (MLQ), job satisfaction and retention questionnaires, and sample characteristics. Data were analyzed using t-tests, one-way ANOVA, the scheffe post hoc tests, chi-square tests, and the Pearsons’ correlation. The result showed that transaction type leadership was the highest with 32.44%, followed by transformation type 30.94% and the last was the laissez-faire type 29.95%. The highest correlation was on question “I concentrate my full attention on dealing with mistakes, complaints, and failures” (38.8%) and the worst correlation was “I wait for things to go wrong before taking action” (12.2%). According to the leadership styles, only 5.39 points (SD=1.93) satisfied with their job and only 86.7% of nursing staff were willing to stay in their current positions. Of theses, people who were junior college graduates, currently not pursuing higher education, had received administrative training, older, had more years of working experience as nurses or head nurses had higher job satisfaction. Those that were married, older and more experienced in their current position have the greater intention to stay in the hospitals. Other than these, every units’ nursing staff and their nursing leader in transformation type and transaction type of leadership skill has the lowest consistency in job’s satisfaction (p<0.01), for laissez-faire type leadership skill there is the highest correlation but lowest satisfaction (p<0.01). This study not only let us understand the correlation between the views the head nurses and nurses, it also analyzed more on the staff’s basic instinct towards the leadership skill and how much correlation between the different level and its effect towards each other. All of these data laid down the foundation in improving the future hospital leadership performance on the head of nurse upon the nursing staff and it is a good guideline towards this matter.


