  • 學位論文


A Study on the Process of Senior Citizens Participation in Social Service

指導教授 : 蘇俊憲


高齡化社會連帶的個人老化、家庭老化、社會老化問題衝擊著現代化社會,而如何面對高齡化變遷需求,促使成功老化,建構安全性社會,已成為刻不容緩的議題。本研究採用質性研究的深度訪談法,共訪談十位從事社會服務的高齡者,探究高齡者參與社會服務歷程對高齡者的意義與影響。研究目的有四:一、瞭解高齡者參與社會服務的動機。二、瞭解高齡者持續參與社會服務之因素。三、瞭解高齡者參與社會服務過程中重要體驗。四、瞭解高齡者對於參與社會服務後之轉變。 本研究的重要發現為:一、高齡者參與社會願服務的動機並非單一因素,而是多元或互相成立的。二、高齡者藉由參與社會服務獲得知識增長、自信心提升,更透過價值觀點轉化,成為社會服務的積極推動者。三、高齡者透過參與社會服務,學習新生活,產生新價值觀並持續參與社會服務。最後,根據研究所得與發現進行討論與建議,並提出後續研究與未來發展之建議。 關鍵字:高齡化社會、社會服務、高齡者


The aging of society (including aging of individual, family) has an impact on the current society. It is an urgent issue that how to react the changing needs of aging, so that construct a secure society. The in-depth interview is adopted by this study. We interview ten seniors who work at social service to explore the meaning and influence on participation in social service of the senior. There are four purposes in this research, (1) to understand the motivation in the participation in social service of the senior, (2) to understand the factor in the continual participation in social service of the senior, (3) to understand the crucial experience in the process of the participation in social service of the senior, and (4) to understand the conversion after the participation in social service of the senior. The findings of this research include (1) It is not single factor in the motivation of the participation in social service of the senior but diverse or mutual. (2) The senior can gain knowledge and confidence through participating in social service, and finally they will become active pushers in social service. (3) Through participating in social service, the senior can learn new lifestyle, create new values, and continual participation in social service. Finally, this research will discuss and provide the suggestion of future research according to the findings. Keywords: Aging Society, Social Service, The Seniors


Aging Society Social Service The Seniors


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