  • 學位論文


Management Practice in the Innovation Process of Group Design -The Empirical Cases of Yuan Ze University

指導教授 : 覃崇耀
共同指導教授 : 周文修


數位媒體產業相對於其他製造業或服務業不同之處在於數位內容的產製,從創意的緣起、概念的具體化、腳本等到後製的每個環節加值,靠得不是廣大的土地或是廉價的勞力,而是知識的累積與創意的投入。 創意普遍性觀點被概念化為一種能力、個人特質或是心理歷程,但深究傳播產品,卻可發現世界上有相當高比例的重大創新與創意設計產品是來至於一群人群體專業分工而來,其中也包含了媒體產業。 以傳播的觀點來看,傳播是門處理意義價值的學門,而意義的價值正來自於創意。傳播與創意間存有巧妙的對立與相依關係,一方面傳播是創意的催生與散佈者,使得新創意源源不絕的透過傳佈而產生。另一方面,透過傳播散佈後,創意就不再是新的創意。站在產品角度觀察傳播產品,我們可以說傳播產品是一種文化創意商品的生產是種知識的產製。在傳播產品生命週期中,包含創意、產製、流通與展現等階段,其中又以創意為其首要階段,沒有創意亦沒有產品產製。生產的主要核心在於將無形的創意落實到有形產品的過程,過程是否能夠徹底有效的執行,影響到產品的產出與品質。在傳播產品創意落實成產品的期間創意能不能被控管成為可討論的議題。 本研究目的即在於探討數位媒體製作群體,如何利用創意技術方式開發新作品並在有限時間內,能夠迅速而有效地管理龐雜群體創意問題,使整體產出開發工作獲得更高的效率與品質。 為達研究之合宜性,在考量研究目標與方法的特性後,本研究以創新行動研究作為研究執行的方法。以實際製作方式深入了解數位媒體設計群體在創作過程之實際狀況,及運用創意技術進行計畫管制的可行性。以萃取出適用於數位媒體設計領域之群體創意管理論述及新模式。


On later stage of the 1990s, the digital media has risen abruptly and become prosperity. Gradually, the designer’s cross-platform has already been replaced by the computer .The digitization of cross-platform in recent years has increased noticeably. The design software is easy to access and the communication of those designers and creating by group are more frequently. It has become an interesting topic of how to stimulate creativity among designers to increase communication and management among one another. Media industry is an activity with a particular emphasis on creativity. Creativity plays an important role during the process of design. However, we do not necessarily produce unprecedented new product with such creativity, but aim at bringing forth a feeling of originality by the display of concept, presentation and techniques. The development of creativity helps us solve problems effectively, and more over its fulfillment is a target-oriented activity. It has been a well-debated issue among the designers whether creativity should be developed by individual or by group. This research use mind mapping and thinking processes as a new model to assist the fulfillment and management of creativity, with the premise of collaboration, which is common in Taiwanese media business, of three to five people to complete one designing product. With this primary analysis of group innovation management, the objective of this research is to examine whether the application of a new model can increase the tacit understanding, the level of designing integration, and the effectiveness of implementing creativity of the creative design group. To verify this method, this research demonstrates two case study of new media design collaboration, consisting of three to five people. The conclusion of this research is the new model is an effective method for creative design while the fulfillment of creativity and its management are both being considered.




