  • 學位論文


The Preference Factors of Formal Aesthetic in Commercial Space: An Example of Clothing Stores

指導教授 : 莊修田


隨著所得的提高以及對生活品質的講究,人們開始重視對非生活所需物品的消費,各樣形式的商店如何透過實質的美學設計與情境安排,製造出令消費者耳目一新、流連忘返並刺激其消費的空間,也就成了一項非常重要的課題,而人們對於商業空間中的美學偏好與體驗,不同屬性的族群又有著什麼樣的差異?這些都是現代消費市場中值得深入探討的。本研究為了解商業空間中,一般人對其空間環境之形態美學因素偏好及滿意情形而始,期望達到以下目的:1. 了解人們對商業空間之形態美學因素偏好及其生活型態、消費情形等,2. 探討不同個人屬性之族群,在商業空間環境中所產生之形態美感偏好的差異性,3. 對於不同的形態美學因素進行討論,並提出可供台灣室內設計界參考之商業空間設計美學相關方面之建議。 本研究以服飾商店為研究個案,經相關文獻探討與分析後,將評量人們在商業空間中,對其形態美學因素之偏好的工具分為四部份,分別為:1. 個人屬性調查表,2. 消費及資訊接觸情形調查表,3. 生活型態量表,4. 包含各類形態美學因素之服飾店空間照片等,對一般大眾進行問卷調查,並以量化研究之方式進行問卷分析,結果發現:1. 一般人對於商業空間室內之形態美學因素偏好中,平均偏好程度前三高者的分別是「高彩度色塊與幾何圖形造型」、「歐式鄉村造型與原木材質的利用」、與「具空間層次感與寬闊感」因素,2. 商業空間形態美學因素之偏好程度,會因部分「個人屬性」之不同,而有差異存在,3. 形態美學的8個因素相互間相關均達顯著,且為正向,表示商業空間環境中的所有形態美學因素間均互有密切相關,4. 不同生活型態傾向的人對於商業空間形態美學因素的偏好,亦也有著較低程度之相關性。本研究最後根據研究結果,提出建議,以作為未來商業空間設計規劃設計之參考。


形態美學 服飾店 商業空間 偏好


As People have more income and are exquisite to the quality of life, people give more weight on non-living essentials. Therefore, it has become more important to design a commercial space that makes customers feel fresh and excites their desire of consumption. What are the differences among the individuals owning different aesthetic preferences of commercial space? Such topics are worth discussing thoroughly. The motivation of this thesis is to discover people’s preference factors of formal aesthetics and their satisfaction about spatial environment. This thesis sought to achieve the following objectives: 1. Find out the relationship between the preference factors of aesthetic of commercial space and people having different living properties and consuming habit. 2. Discuss the factors that cause people with different attributes to have different aesthetic preferences of commerce spatial environment. 3. Analyze the formal aesthetic factors of commercial space to form the references in interior design. This thesis adopts clothing stores as the studied cases, and employs four tools to analyze the aesthetic preference factors commercial space, including: 1. Personal information questionnaire. 2. Shopping and information receiving questionnaire. 3. AIO scale. 4. Dress shops’ spatial pictures consist of aesthetic factors of commercial space to be analyzed. By analyzing the questionnaires systematically, the following results were obtained: 1. The three most preferred aesthetic factors of commercial space are – colors with high chroma, and geometric shape; country style and made by a log; spaciousness and gradations in space. 2. The aesthetic preference factors of commercial space differ corresponding to individual attributes. 3. The correlation of the 8 aesthetic factors of commercial space grows with the same direction, indicating that the aesthetic factors of commercial space are high-related positively. 4. The correlation between the different lifestyle and aesthetic preference factors of commercial space is low positively. Suggestions were made at the end of this thesis based on the analysis results to be interior design planning references of commercial space in the future.


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林宸嫻(2011)。從五感觀點探討消費者對下午茶空間之 美感反應與滿意度關係 —以「好樣棒棒」為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201100847
