  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on the Strategy of Carbon Management in the Green Supply Chain - Case Study of Electronics Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


近年來溫室氣體造成地球暖化,氣候變遷帶來的災害已經成為國際上不得不關注的問題。企業也因此受到氣候變遷帶來的衝擊,無論是立即的危害或是潛在的危機,對企業都是一種莫大的威脅與挑戰。因此企業在綠色供應鏈中的碳管理的策略上將更加重視。 許多跨國企業的社會責任報告書中,已公開其主要的供應商,並要求這些公司揭露其碳資訊,在這些企業中不乏台灣工業大型廠商。換句話說,台灣電子產業將直接受到國際大廠的要求執行相關碳管理策略與揭露其碳排放量。台灣雖然是非京都機制會員國之ㄧ,但受到跨國企業大廠的對溫室氣體排放減量的壓力下,勢必也要為排量減量負起共同的責任。 本研究將針對台灣電子相關產業對於綠色供應鏈中各個階段的碳管理策略,廣泛蒐集國際跨國企業在碳管理方面的實務做法,利用文獻整理出企業在各階段所適用的碳管理策略,以及跨國企業在評選供應商所重視的碳管理方面要求,彙整出企業在綠色供應鏈中碳管理各階段主要的方法,將企業碳管理策略分為四個階段,共19個碳管理相關策略。利用企業問卷回覆來分析企業對於碳管理策略的重要性認知與目前執行程度。進一步了解台灣電子產業在綠色供應鏈中碳管理的作法與目前執行的程度。 透過研究結果顯示,台灣大型電子企業對於「產品導入綠色設計」、「原料選擇」、「提升能源效率」、「包裝減量與回收再利用」等碳管理策略的重要性認知與執行程度最高。台灣產業受到客戶要求做碳資訊揭露與使用國際標準碳管理的情況下,對供應鏈管理階段的碳策略也產生顯著的影響。


The increasing of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere has resulted in global warming in recent years. Climate change is an international environmental issue that has increasingly attracted business attention in the past decades for its actual or potential threats to companies. Therefore, corporate should pay more attention to the strategies of carbon management in their supply chain. Many transnational enterprises have publicly listed their main suppliers in their non-financial reports and to request their suppliers to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and climate change strategies through CDP. Some of the large-scale Taiwanese electronics manufacturers are among those suppliers. In other words, electronics enterprises in Taiwan are being requested to carry out the carbon management and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from their operations by international enterprises. This study focuses on to understand the strategies of carbon management in the green supply chain of electronics industry in Taiwan. Based on an extensive literature review, a list of nineteen carbon management strategies from transnational enterprises was proposed. A questionnaire was developed based on the strategies collected and mailed to the listed electronics companies in Taiwan to understand how the Taiwanese electronics companies response to the carbon management in their supply chain. The results of this study indicate that the most important strategies for the large-scale electronic companies to manage carbon risk of their supply chain are “products green design”, “material replacement”, “energy efficiency” and “packaging reduction and reusable”. The results also show that these companies have already begun to carry out these carbon management strategies.


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