  • 學位論文


Study of New Service Opportunity and Innovation on the Needs of Elderly Learning

指導教授 : 林福仁


隨著醫療及社會的進步,國人壽命顯著延長,我國到了2009年年底,六十五歲以上人口數已經高達兩百四十多萬人,占總人口比率約10.7%。而且台灣的結婚率與生育率不斷下降,許多年青人在經濟壓力下不願意生小孩,且愈來愈晚婚,使得台灣今天已經是全世界生育率最低的國家了。目前國內人口結構已呈現高齡少子女化的第四階段人口轉型(Demographic Transition)現象,無疑帶給社會在經濟、醫療及家庭上極大的衝擊。 老齡化是工商業社會發展的成就與無可避免的趨勢,學者們在關於老化的研究下有許多的政策與論述並對老人的休閒與活動提出了許多的對策,在這些相關的對策中,我們更需要重視必須以教育的方式使國人準備好如何面對社會高齡化的嚴峻挑戰。 針對許多對於銀髮族的研究報告都偏向於老人健康照護、老人休閒活動、老人社會參與等議題,本研究以生產性老化、積極老化等理論之立論為基礎來探討台灣在快速的進入老齡化社會時,銀髮族在退休與即將退休之前對於再持續接受教育的看法、需求與意願,本研究以「田野調查」隨機選取台灣北、中、南部約共56位即將屆乎退休年齡或已退休之老人作「深度訪談」,並配合「官方資料收集」、「參與觀察」、「行為活動洞察」等方法對於台灣老人的生活形態、經濟狀況、經濟生產再出發等現況,對再投入或延續生產之意願與接受教育問題等作一番探討,以期發現一個對老人教育的創新服務模式。 本研究發現老人對教育學習的參與意願,其健康狀況、經濟狀況與教育程度具有相當程度的影響,且積極活動的老人不管在心智上或生理上都傾向擁有較健康的生活,同時,在目前台灣設立過多的大專院校在少子化的趨勢下即將必要面臨招生的窘境,教育部鼓勵這些學校積極轉型等因素底下,我們可以將這些大專院校轉型而招收高齡者,提供與高齡學習有關之教育學程,如此一來可以解決學校與教師職員即將面臨生存的困境、二來提供銀髮族另一個終生教育學習的機會與場域、三來可以延續老年人的經驗與技藝之傳承、最後還能為社會提供一股生產的活力。


With advance medical care system and highly development of the society, sophisticated elderly care in Taiwan prolong the average life span of Taiwanese people. By the end of 2009, according to the MoI research data, people over 65-year of age has reached 2.4 million and was at about 10.7% of its total population. The marriage and birth rate are consistently falling in Taiwan, many younger people choose not to have children due to heavy financial pressure, and some of them will get married late. Taiwanese currently has the lowest birth rate in the world and such reasons might worsen the situation. Currently, the population structure in Taiwan has already reached the 4th stage of Demographic Transition of aging with very low birth and death rate, the situation is in no doubts has brought a significant impact in economic, medical care and family relationship to the society. The aging population structure is an achievement of a highly developed society but it has also posted a challenge to such society and to the government. Researchers have done many studies and presented many solutions to better respond to the unstoppable impacts, that includes postpone the retirement, encourage child birth, improve the health care system, encourage the elderly retirement activities, stimulate the social bond to the elderly and attendance to the education system. For all these solutions, how to prepare an elderly person in facing the aging society by an educational way might be considered a much more important solution. Many studies are focusing on issues in elderly care, leisure activities and social attendance instead of education. This study is based on the theory of Productive Aging and Active Aging in extend to education. We are trying to find out how Taiwanese elderly looking at continuing education, their needs and willingness of receiving the education near and after their retirement. We are trying find out how government policies, social institutions, elderly people and their families are facing the fast aging Taiwanese society? This study randomly picks up 56 retired or near retired people at the age of over 55 from north, center and south part of Taiwan. We will perform the “in depth interview”, “in depth observation”, “behavior observation” and with “official data mining” as methods of study. We are then trying to find out if there is a new service model in elderly education by research in elderly life style, economic situation, economic reproductive and willingness on rejoin in social production. This study found out the willingness of Taiwanese elderly in attending the continuing education programs has a lot to do with their health, financial situation and education level. And we found out more active elderly are living a healthier life style either mentally or physically. More over, many colleges in Taiwan are facing problems of finding new students due to the low birth rates. We could turn these problem colleges into institutions that offer continuing education for older people. And this would provide solutions for 1. Survival of some colleges, teachers and faculties; 2. Provide opportunities and places for lifelong study for elderly; 3. Preserve the experiences and special techniques of elderly and last to provide the extra productivities to the sociality.


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