  • 學位論文


A Study on the East Turkistan Extreme Organization and Anti-Terrorism Strategy of the PRC

指導教授 : 潘錫堂
共同指導教授 : 郭展禮(Chan-LI kuo)


恐怖主義活動已經成為本世紀最主要的國際安全及各國國家安全必要面對和處理的問題,恐怖主義起源甚早,可是在當前的國際社會,由於武器的進步,國家之間來往密切,全球化的情形更趨普遍,恐怖分子所受到的約束反而減少,自由行動空間加大,因此,對於國際秩序的破壞力就大增,尤其911事件,帶給全球人類的不安全感,任何國家都不能免於恐怖威脅,如果國際社會不能有效遏止,它就像傳染病一樣不斷蔓延,成為國際動亂的主要根源,不斷威脅人類的生命財產安全。 「東突」極端組織為影響中共內部安全最重要的危安因素,911事件後,中共亟思利用當前國際反恐氛圍,企圖將「東突」組織與國際恐怖組織連結在一起,2008年北京奧運中共視東突厥斯坦伊斯蘭運動為「頭號敵人」,故採取非常嚴謹的態度處理,除運用「上海合作組織」及「東南亞國協」機制,進行打擊,並結合美國全球反恐聯盟進行圍剿,但「東突」組織就像變形蟲打不死,不但未將東突極端組織消滅,反而讓「東突」訴之國際化運動,藉由「世界維吾爾青年代表大會」及「東突厥斯坦新聞資訊中心」,向世界發聲,獲取同情認同。中共的反制作為,已有長期作戰的心理準備,將採取標本兼治措施,軟硬策略進行打擊,力求國內經濟穩定發展,社會安定。 本論文針對當前國際恐怖組織活動情勢發展及東突極端組織活動,對中共反恐對策做全盤探討,可以讓我們全盤了解中共反恐作為及國際反恐策略的全貎。雖然台灣不被恐怖分子列為恐怖攻擊目標,惟審度當前國際反恐情勢,政府應即早研究中美反恐合作對兩岸關係發展影響,始能機先握機制變,確保國家安全。


Thesis Abstract: Terrorism has become on of the major international security issues in the 21st century, with which each stare has to deal for its national security. Terrorism has on ancient origin. Today, terrorists are less strained and have more free room to operate due to globalization, the improvement of weaponry and intensive interaction among states. As a result, it is more destructive to the international order A case in Point is the 9/11 Attack, which increased the sense of insecurity all over the world; none is exempted for terrorist attack. If not reined in, it will spread like an epidemic, become a cause for international disorder and continually threaten life, property and safety of human beings The extremist organization ‘East Turkistan Islamic Movement’ (ETIM) has become one of the major threats to the internal security of the peoples Republic of China (PRC) In the wake of the 9/11 attack, the PRC has Taken advantage of the anti-terrorism atmosphere in the international terrorist organizations in the Beijing Olympics Games of 2008,the PRC treated ETIM as its top threat and took Such threat very seriously Measures taken included Clamping it down by institutional efforts of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the southeast Asian countries association (ASEAN) attacking it by cooperation with global anti-terrorism alliance led by the US Nevertheless ETIM, against all odds, is yet to collapse Moreover by World Uyghur youth congress and East Turkistan Information center ETIM has launched an international campaign to make their appeals heard by the world and won sympathy and support On the PRC side, it has prepared to take long-term counter-measures that aim to tackle the root and surface causes and use dual strategy of suppression and appeasement in order to stabilize economic development and social order. Against the backdrop of the development of international terrorist organizations this thesis provides a comprehensive review over the PRC ’s anti-terrorism strategy toward ETIM and its activities it portrays the outlook of the PRC’ s Anti-terrorism efforts and inter national anti-terrorism strategy although Taiwan appears not taken as a terrorist attack target the Government ought to conduct research on the effect of Sino-US anti-terrorism cooperation on the development of the cross-strait relations in order to preventively safeguard the national security


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5.Holsti, Ole R. Content Analysis, Gardner L indzey and Elliot Aronson eds’
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