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A Study of Framework Developing of Marathon Event Participant Service Management in Taiwan Area


為探討2003年台灣地區舉辦之四項國際馬拉松(台北國際國道霖園馬拉松、金山國際馬拉松、太魯閣國際馬拉松與現代三陽台北國際馬拉松)賽會服務管理因素間的關係,運用結構衡量模式(Structure Equation Medeling, SEM)建構與驗證分析馬拉松賽會參賽者服務管理模式,針對上述國際馬拉松賽會舉行期間與比賽現場,2,535位比賽選手為便利抽樣對象,進行問卷調查。結果顯示四項賽事男性均多於女性,健跑組與半程馬拉松組所佔人數與比例相差不多,參加國內舉辦馬拉松賽(包括國際與地區)次數以3次以下最多,軍公教(含學生)佔最多數,均以20歲(含)以下最多,四項賽事中有三項在北部舉行,也以北部參賽者(台北、桃、竹、苗)佔最多數。馬拉松賽會參賽者服務管理模式總共進行二次修正,共計刪除13個題項(包括賽程服務構面因素),多項配適度指標參數值皆達到要求之衡量標準,接受修正後之衡量模式。賽前規劃、比賽執行與賽會服務之間均存在著線性正向關係,比賽執行與賽會服務相關係數最高,賽會管理影響因素尤其以比賽中各項細節的執行以及賽會期間所提供的服務最重要。行銷宣傳以及報名手續對賽前規劃、路線指引對比賽執行、成績查核對賽會服務之直接影響效果最高,賽會舉辦必須注意這些因素的互動與影響。報名手續簡便對賽前規劃、開幕典禮舉行時間長短恰當對比賽執行、成績公佈地點明顯對賽會服務之間接影響效果最高,均是賽會舉行成敗的影響關鍵。本研究針對四項國際馬拉松賽會進行參賽者服務管理模式建構與理論分析,相關研究結果提供馬拉松與路跑賽會舉辦之服務管理實務與評量,並可提供運動相關項目與學術領域進行系列後續研究之參考。


In order to develop a framework of marathon event participant service management, Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the model and the interrelationships among the factors of the marathon event service management in Taiwan of 2003 (Taipei International Express Lin Yuan Marathon, Kin San International Marathon, Taroko International Marathon, and Taipei International Hyndai Sanyang Marathon). Following the events hosted schedule, 2, 535 marathoners were sampled based on a convenience sampling for completion of the questionnaires. Males were more than females in the four events, the sizes of the groups under 21 km (including 9 km or 3 km fun run) and 21 km or over were almost the same. Most of the marathoners had enrolled in marathons less than 3 times, were employed in government service (including students), were under 20 years old, and resided in Northern Taiwan because there were three events hosted in Northern Taiwan. After two revisions of the hypothesized marathon event participant service management model, 13 items were eliminated (including the factor labeled ”event schedule management”), and the parameters of the model reached the required criterion. The results indicated that pre-race planning, race implementation, and event service had apparent significant correlation. The results indicated that the relationship between race implementation and event service was significant, and the details and services in the event service management were very important. The standard direct effect influences from marketing promotion and enrollment on the pre-race planning, from direction signs on race implementation, and from record announcement on event service showed very important interactions with event service management. The standard indirect effect influences from easy enrollment on the pre-race planning, opening ceremony on race implementation, and record announcement area on event service were shown to be the key points in holding such sporting events. The marathon event participant service management model and theory analysis were based on these four international marathon events. The results can provide a practical tool for evaluation of events in marathon and road running, and can serve as a reference for academic study of related sporting event service management and future related studies.




