  • 學位論文


The Improvement of Far-End Crosstalk and Timing Jitter for Coupled Microstrip Line by Using Rectangular Resonators

指導教授 : 林丁丙




In the modern generation of digital data transmission, crosstalk is one major source of noise to interfere with signal integrity (SI). Generally, crosstalk can be reduced by adding a guard trace with shorting-vias between the victim and aggressor areas of the circuit. However, the shorting-vias in the guard trace induced the resonance in the frequency domain and the ringing noise in the time domain. We propsed the step guard trace to compensate capacitive coupling between the guard trace and signal trace. Our method offers minumum number of shorting-vias to increase the flexibility on the circuit routing and decrease the ringing noise. The experimental results indicated that the step gaurd trace could reduce near-end crosstalk (NEXT) and far-end crosstalk (FEXT) by 34% and 26% compared to without guard trace in the time domain, respectively. Therefore, in a parallel-terminated interface, the FEXT is more problematic than NEXT since it seriously affects the SI at the receiver side. Since a large number of shorting-vias and resistances reduce the flexibility of the circuit routing and increase cost, we propose a method to reduce the FEXT and timing jitter by using rectangular resonators (RRs) structure. In which, the shorting-via and resistance are not necessary to be used for improving the FEXT and timing jitter. The experimental results indicated that the RRs structure could reduce FEXT and timing jitter by 57% and 18% compared to without guard trace in the time domain, respectively. These experimental results confirmed that our proposed RRs structure not only shows better performance than the alternatives, but also no requires extra components such as terminating resistors or shorting-vias to reduce noise significantly. Accordingly, the new concept and method might be approached to the practical engineering.


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