  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林振春


隨著時代的推進及社會的變遷,人們面臨各種問題的挑戰也越多,生命線電話協談的服務適時為失意、受挫的人提供幫助,然而志工輔導員服務品質的提昇,志工督導員扮演著重要的角色,本研究旨在瞭解生命線志工督導員的服務學習歷程,包括其服務學習動機、學習管道與內容、學習阻力與因應之道,以及學習後對個人的收穫與影響。 本研究採質性研究,透過對七位志工督導員的深度訪談,根據訪談資料整理、分析、歸納出以下結論: 一、生命線志工督導員參與服務學習的動機是多元且多重性的。有利他因素、社會型因素、利己因素及個人特殊因素等,來自利己因素的求知慾最多,期待能改變自己也能成就別人。 二、生命線志工督導員服務學習的管道有正規的學習及非正式的方式,其中包括總會、組織、網路、學校、書籍、社福機構等,以參與總會的學習最普遍。學習內容著重在專業知能,其次是督導員的角色,督導模式以焦點解決居多,從督導歷程中學習多。 三、生命線志工督導員服務學習的阻力多樣化,但都能找出自己的方式化阻力為助力。阻力歸納為家庭因素、情境因素、機構因素、個人心理因素、個人生理因素、個人能力因素等。因應方式依序為:自我調適、向人請益/求助、家人支持及自我成長等。 四、生命線志工督導員服務學習的收穫與影響內容豐碩,有正面及負面影響,包括具寬容/包容心、人際互動正向、帶來成長動力、專業知能與技巧精進、自信、進修機會多、成就感、全面觀等也有自恃甚高的負面影響。 根據上述研究結論,提出對總會、組織、志工督導員之具體建議,以供未來相關實務工作及後續研究發展之參考。


With various social changes through the course of time, people also face more and more challenges caused by different problems. Lifeline telephone counseling thus committed to provide help for those who were defeated or frustrated. However, volunteer supervisors play an important role to promote the quality of service that volunteers provide. Therefore, this study meant to understand the service learning process of lifeline volunteer supervisors, including their motives of the service learning , how they managed to access service learning resources, the negative forces they faced and how they responded, what effects the service learning had on them, and what they gained from the service learning. This research adopted the qualitative method. After conducting in-depth interview with seven volunteer supervisors, the researcher coded the data , analyzed the content and inducted the conclusions as follows: 1. The motives of lifeline volunteer supervisors’ participation in service learning are multi-layer. Altruism factor, social factor, egoism factor and personal factor were all included ; however, the self- enhancing motive from egoism factor is the most strong one, which made them expect to change themselves as well as accomplish others. 2. Accesses to service learning resources comprised formal ones and informal ones, like Taiwan Lifeline International, local branches, internet, schools, books, and welfare organizations; nevertheless, the service learning provided by Taiwan Lifeline International was the commonest. The content of service learning is highly focused on professional intelligence, and then the role of the supervisors. The model of supervision mostly on the focus-solving; besides, a lot of learning could be done during the process of supervision. 3. Lifeline volunteer supervisors faced various negative forces during the service learning , but they could find their ways to solve the problems and transform the negative forces into positive ones. The negative forces included family factor, situational factor, institutional factor, psychological factor, physical factor and personal capacity factor, etc. Their responses were self-adjustment, asking for help, support from family and self-development, by sequence. 4. The effects of service learning and what lifeline volunteer supervisors gained were diversified. There were positive effects as well as negative ones. Tolerance/broad-mindedness, positive interpersonal interaction, impulse to growth, acquisition of professional knowledge and skills, self-confidence, more opportunities to advanced education, sense of accomplishment, and development of all-round views, etc. were all positive effects. However, there was also self-pride as negative effect. Following the conclusions, this research gives concrete suggestions to Taiwan Lifeline International, local branches and volunteer supervisors, and provides consultation materials for practice work and future researches if needed.


國際生命線台灣總會(2009) 。第17 屆理監事就職特刊。台北市。


