  • 期刊


Exploring Patient Safety Culture and Improvement Strategies via IPGA Model




Objectives: Taiwan has developed an online survey system investigating patient safety culture. The survey questionnaires have two dimensions added to the system in 2014: "work-life balance" and "resilience". The research aims to explore key factors of the gap between the importance and satisfaction of medical practitioner's awareness of patient safety. Methods: The data were collected through questionnaire survey. Of 276 questionnaires distributed to medical practitioners except those who were working less than one month and freelancers. The valid response rate was 96.7%. Data were analyzed by using Importance-Performance Gap Analysis. Results: The results show the most satisfied dimension is "safety climate"; the least satisfied dimension is "resilience". The other dimensions requiring improvement are ranked as "perception of management", "teamwork climate" and "safety climate". The items requiring improvement are ranked as "sleeping time at night", "high morale of the unit", and "sufficient support in patient care" etc. Conclusions: The Importance-Performance Gap Analysis (IPGA) effectively investigated and helped hospitals find key factors of patient safety culture cognition. The study is expected to offer improvement suggestions in management strategies.


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