  • 學位論文


The Simulation and Social Benefits of Greenhouse Gas and Criteria Air Pollutants Reduction in Taipei City by System Dynamic Model STELLA

指導教授 : 曾昭衡


本研究旨在於使用STELLA 架構臺北市交通運輸及住商部門4 種主要空氣污染物(氮氧化物、硫氧化物、懸浮微粒及一氧化碳)系統動力模式,用系統回饋的方式呈現各部門與各主要空氣污染物間之關係,以及在各減量行動中所呈現之健康效益情況(包括增加壽命與所需支出金額)。本研究除呈現溫室氣體與主要空氣污染物整合後之社會效益概況,更可作為相關政府機關與環保單位執行政策時之參考。推估結果得知2007 年臺北市總主要空氣污染物(PM10+SOX+NOX+CO)系統動力模式之排放量由2007 年181,168 公噸,至2030 年排放量為282,809公噸,成長率為64.06%。其中交通運輸部門排放量比例最多,約占總排放量86%;其次為住商部門,約占總排放量14%。在綜合交通運輸與住商部門減量行動估算臺北市主要空氣污染物減量比例,至2030 年,若採取「適度政策承諾策略」時,主要空氣污染物可減少50,255 公噸,減少約17.77%之排放量。若採取「主要政策承諾策略」時,主要空氣污染物可減少84,308 公噸,減少約29.82%之排放量。若採取「完全執行模擬情境」時,主要空氣污染物可減少110,045 公噸,減少約38.92%之排放量;再配合TEDs 6.1 中各項污染防治設備及管制策略,2021 年總主要空氣污染物,其排放量為68,898 公噸。然而,於主要空氣污染物減量所得之健康效益,估算增加壽命與所需支出金額,臺北市於綜合目前可行之交通運輸及住商減量行動下,因減少之主要空氣污染物排放濃度下,故臺北市每人平均可增加250.259 小時,增加壽命總支出為55,706,101.20 千元/小時,於油電混合車之減量行動;在B20 生質柴油減量行動,於臺北市每人平均可增加37.7144 小時,增加壽命總支出為1,713,924.84 千元/小時;在省電燈泡減量行動,於臺北市每人可增加25.7225 小時,增加壽命總支出為887.599 千元/小時;熱泵式熱水器減量行動,於臺北市每人平均可增加8.4268 小時,增加壽命總支出為2,737,203.04 千元/小時。綜合溫室氣體及主要空氣污染物減量之成果,油電混合車之減量行動之投資成本與經濟效益所得的成本效益比為0.0087;B20 生質柴油之減量行動為0.54;省電燈泡之減量行動為0.84;熱泵式熱水器之減量行動為0.2;各減量行動,由2007年至2030年臺北市每年分別約可得0.0016、0.0235、0.0366 及0.0087之平均成本效益比,代表於目前可行之交通運輸及住商減量行動下所得之社會效益。


This thesis aims at applying STELLA in constructing the systematic dynamic model of four kinds of Criteria air pollutants (NOX、SOX、PM10 and CO) in Taipei City’s residence business and transportation sectors. The relation between Criteria air pollutants and sectors, as well as health effects – including living years and expenditure needed – and related pollution reducing initiatives are showed with a systematic feedback method. This research could not only be served as a social benefits outcomes indicator of the mixture of greenhouse gases and Criteria air pollutants, but also a reference to related governmental authorities when forming policies. The outcomes indicate that the volume of Criteria air pollutants (PM10 + SOX + NOX + CO) would rise to 282,809 tons in 2030 from 181,168 tons in 2007 – a 64.06% growth rate. Among them, the transportation sector claims the largest part: 86%, while the residence business sector comes after: 14% of total volume. Combining the reduction ratio of Taipei City’s residence business and transportation sectors after conducting the reduction initiatives, if “Modest Policy Commitment Scenario” is applied, the total volume will reduce 50,255 tons (17.77%) in 2030, if “Major Policy Commitment Scenario” is applied, the total volume will reduce 84,308 tons (29.82%), or if “Full Implementation Scenario” is applied, then the total volume will reduce 110,045.48 tons (38.92%). If combined with equipments and policies relating pollutions in TEDs 6.1, in 2021, total volume of Criteria air pollutants vented would be 68,898 tons. However, considering the costs and social benefits relating Criteria air pollutants and the increase in living years, after all applicable initiatives upon Criteria air pollutants’ density are carried out, citizens in Taipei could gain 80.53 hours of life, with a cost of 15,261,356 thousand dollars per hour. The results of mixed greenhouse gases and Criteria air pollutants are showing a 39.762 cost-effect ratio. Compared with the average cost-effect ratio of 1.72 per year during 2007-2030 of Taipei City, the plans are showing social gains under applicable initiatives in residence business and transportation sectors.


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