  • 學位論文


The Effect of Teachers’ Work-Life Balance on Burnout and Social Support as a Moderator in Elementary Schools of Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 李弘暉


工作生活平衡現已成為許多國家之企業、政府以及學術單位高度重視的議題。研究顯示,工作生活平衡會影響家庭生活品質,並與員工的工作能力、生產力相關,進一步造成員工生理心理的影響,且出現工作倦怠現象。 以教師而言,身心健康狀況不僅深深影響教學品質,對學生學習的態度、身教的表現也影響甚鉅。而研究顯示社會支持在工作倦怠上是具有調節作用的,因此本研究意欲以桃園縣教師為對象,探討工作生活平衡對工作倦怠之影響,並再進一步探討社會支持是否對工作生活平衡與工作倦怠間之關係產生調節作用。所得研究結果如下: 1.桃園縣國民小學教師對工作生活平衡呈現中低度感受 2.桃園縣國民小學教師對工作倦怠呈現中低度感受 3.桃園縣國民小學教師對社會支持呈現高度感受 4.桃園縣國民小學教師工作生活平衡對工作倦怠有顯著相關 5.桃園縣國民小學教師社會支持對工作倦怠有顯著相關 6.桃園縣國民小學教師社會支持對工作生活平衡與工作倦怠之關係僅部份具有調節作用


Work-life balance has become a corporate, government and academic institutions of many countries attach great importance to issues. Studies have shown that work-life balance will affect the quality of family life, and ability to work with employees, productivity-related, causing staff physiological and psychological impact, and burnout. Teacher, physical and mental health is not only deeply affect the quality of teaching on student learning attitude, performance is greatly influenced by example. Studies have shown that social support has a moderator role in the burnout. Therefore, this study intended to explore Taoyuan County teachers to the impact of work-life balance and burnout, and social support as a moderator of the relationship between work-life balance and burnout. The obtained results are as follows: 1.Taoyuan County elementary school teachers showing low to feelings of work-life balance. 2.Taoyuan County elementary School Teachers showing low to feelings of burnout. 3.Taoyuan County elementary school teachers showing high to feelings of social support . 4.Taoyuan County elementary school teachers' work-life balance on burnout significantly correlated. 5.Taoyuan County elementary school teachers of social support on burnout significantly correlated. 6.Taoyuan County elementary school teachers of social support on the relationship between work-life balance and burnout has a regulatory role partly.


teacher(s) work-life balance burnout social support


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