  • 學位論文


A Study on Mobile MOOCs "Creative Problem Solving" Course for Innovation and Problem-Solving Competences

指導教授 : 廖慶榮


由於現今網路的普及,隨處可看到幾乎人手一個3C產品,不管是手機、平板還是筆記型電腦,漸漸的學校也開始會嘗試有別於傳統的教學方式,透過數位教材以及線上互動的方式進行教學,讓學生的學習變的更加多元化,可以隨時隨地甚至反覆的學習,像是大規模開放式線上課程(Massive Open Online Courses;簡稱MOOCs),因為最近4G高速網路的興起,漸漸的大家變得開始倚賴行動裝置,比起桌上型電腦以及筆記型電腦需要定點使用,行動裝置可以跳脫定點的限制,讓學習變的無所不在,因此磨課師又進一步形成行動磨課師。行動磨課師強調可以在移動中利用短暫的五到十分鐘時間,以行動裝置學習一個觀念或是一項知識,透過精緻的行動磨課師「創意思解」課程融入有趣的活動App,讓修課者能在學習中無形的提升核心能力。 本實驗以單組前後測針對82位樣本進行分析,以成對樣本t檢定以及ANOVA分析五構面:發現問題、問題陳述與界定、提出解決方案、評估與決策、方案實施,八週過後,對參與度較高以及後測較前測成績退步的同學進行半結構化式的訪談,目的是為了要更了解學習者的想法,而研究結果各構面後測分數均高於前測,除了第五構面方案實施其餘構面均達顯著性,顯示行動磨課師創意思解課程對於修課學生的創新與問題解決能力具有影響力。


Due to the popularity of the Internet today, almost everyone have 3C products, whether it is phone, tablet or laptop, and school gradually begin to try to use new teaching methods that are different from traditional methods. The new methods is like digital learning materials or online interaction courses. These methods could make Students have diverse way to study, and could learn anytime, anywhere such as Massive Open Online Courses (“MOOCs”). Furthermore, due to the rapid growth of 4G mobile Internets, gradually we start becoming dependent on mobile devices compared to personal computers or laptops. Mobile device with Internet could make learning become more convenient. Therefore, the MOOCs with mobile devices become “Mobile MOOCs,” which emphasize that people could learn concepts in few minutes anywhere. In addition, Mobile MOOCs with creative application could make learners upgrade core capability virtually. The experiment included 82 samples of pre and post-test of the application, and use t-test and ANOVA to analyze couples of sample in 5 levels: finding questions, stating and delimiting questions, proposing resolutions, estimation and decision and execution. After 8 weeks, we interviewed students whose post-test is worse than pre-test to understand the idea of learners. However, The result showed that average grade of post-test was better than pre-test .and all levels reach the significance in addition to fifth facets, which showed that the Mobile MOOCs courses for learners’ innovation and of problem-solving have influence.


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