  • 學位論文


The relationship of Personality Traits and Self-directed Learning to Learning Performance on E-learning

指導教授 : 楊明玉


論語記載:「孔子教人,因材施教」;學記中將其總結為「長善救失」,意指因應學生個別差異,有針對性地進行不同的教育,使之各盡其才。而現今科技日益月新,利用網際網路與新科技的數位學習漸漸成為一種不同於傳統教學外的學習方法,其不僅可以提供學習者更方便、更有效率的學習,且具備了更深層的學習分享、人際互動與學習管理的意涵,透過快速且資源豐富的網路學習環境幫助學習能力,此外,也可以當作補充傳統課程不足之處的新學習方式。然而,在數位學習環境中並無教導者傳授學問與背後督促,學習者需要主動地執行自身欲學習之課程,主動學習成為數位學習中極為重要的因素之ㄧ,且個人因素也是影響數位學習成效的重要因素。因此,在數位學習過程中學習者顯得相當重要,其掌握了學習成敗的主控權。以學習者而言,不同的人格特質可能出現差異的學習方式、動機或效果,主動學習也會因自我學習的能力而因人而異,故本研究以數位學習者之人格特質、自我導向學習與學習成效為主要研究構面,研究三者之間的關係並試圖給予建議。則研究結果如下: 一、在數位學習中,嚴謹性之人格特質對自我導向學習具較高顯著影響。 二、在數位學習中,主動學習之自我導向學習對學習成效具較高顯著影響。 三、在數位學習中,嚴謹性之人格特質對學習成效具有較高顯著影響。


The Analects of Confucius say:” the way that Confucius teach student is to teach students in accordance with their aptitude”, successors summarize it as “to strengthen what student’s excellence and to mend what student’s shortcoming”, it means that different education is pivoted on individual differences of the student, it is for the sake of that students study ergonomically. Nowadays the information technology changes with each passing day, E-learning that uses the new technology and internet is drifting towards a new way of learning differ from the traditional style of learning, it doesn’t only allow that learner studies efficiently and conveniently, but also has the deep study sharing and the relationship interacting. Furthermore, E-learning can be the new learning way to mend the shortcoming of the traditional learning. However, there aren’t teachers to watch over the learners on E-learning, the learners must study actively, for this reason self-determined learning becomes one of the most important points on E-learning, and diverseness of the students is the important point to effect the learning performance. Therefore learners are important in the process of the E-learning, they control the right to make learning performance success or failure. Different personality trait could account for different way of the learning. The degree of self-determined learning differs from the ability of self-determined learning of different learners. Therefore this research hopes to understand the relation of learner’s personality traits, self-directed learning and learning performance. The research findings are following: 1.The personality traits has obvious influence to self-directed learning on E-learning. 2.The self-directed learning has obvious influence to learning performance on E-learning. 3.The personality traits has obvious influence to learning performance on E-learning


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周璟筠(2011)。台北當代藝術館David LaChapelle個展觀眾自我導向學習傾向與總體學習成果之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6835/TNUA.2011.00023
