  • 學位論文


The Critical Factors for the Manufacturing Execution System applied to Enterprises – A Case of the Semiconductor Industry

指導教授 : 張碩毅 吳徐哲


半導體產業在科技產業的帶動下,產品製程與產品類別越趨複雜,為提升生產效能及掌握流程複雜的生產資訊,快速的收集生產資料、進行工廠自動化監控、追蹤生產線上在製品 (Work In Process, WIP) 狀態及複雜多變的「統計製程管制規格」(Statistic Process Control, SPC),已經不是單一的管理系統可以完全掌握的了。製造執行系統 (Manufacturing Execution System, MES) ,可以提供客戶即時正確的資訊、節省數倍人力並達到數倍以上的產能效果。 製造執行系統 (MES) 發展已行之有年,在不同的行業上各有不同程度的運用,有些行業導入後失敗,亦有行業導入後業績大幅度的成長,其中各個企業的系統導入的關鍵因素也有所不同,在文獻上也都有不同學者對此議題進行研究,但因企業環境、企業文化及組織背景的不同,而造成系統導入的關鍵因素也有所不同。 本研究依據相關文獻分析,採用分析網路程序法 (Analytic Network Process, ANP) ,蒐集半導體產業導入製造執行系統及資訊系統的相關資料,並參考各學者及專家所提供的建議及觀點,經資料的統計處理,分析出學者及專家的共識,並透過個案研究,以某半導體代工廠MES專案為例,進行實証研究,得知「企業導入製造執行系統系統關鍵因素」分別為:(一) 企業特性 (二) 使用者特性(三) 供應商特性 (四) 資訊環境面,共四個構面十八項因素,以「企業特性」構面是最為關鍵,而其中最重要前三名因素分別為「高階主管的支持與參與度」、「教育訓練與上線協調」、「適合的供應商」,希望可提供企業界或學術界一個較完整的製造執行系統 (MES) 成功導入的指引,以作為日後相關企業在製造執行系統導入時的參考。


Owing to technology industry, the processes and product classification become more complex in the semiconductor industry. In order to increase production efficiency and control the complicated production data, the only single management system cannot fully manage for data collecting quickly, monitoring automatically, tracking the status of Work In Process (WIP), and the complicated Statistic Process Control (SPC). Manufacturing Execution System (MES) can provide the collecting data in time and save human resource to reach the several times of the effect for production capacity. MES has been used for many years; there are different levels of application for different industries. Some industries fail after integrate the system, but some industry increases the sales significantly. Also, each company adopts the different key success factor to apply the system. Some pervious researches focus on the variables which are enterprise environment, enterprise culture and the background of organization for the key success factor to apply the system. This research applies the literature analyze and adopt the Analytic Network Process (ANP) to collect the relate data for integrating manufacturing execution system in semiconductor industry. Furthermore, this research applies the data statistics to analyze the consensus from different researches. Also, this research takes one OEM Company in semiconductor industry as an example to investigate the Critical Factors. These results are that: (1) The Critical Factors of applied MES can be classified as four phases which includes 「Enterprise Characteristics」, 「User Characteristics」, 「Vender Characteristics」, and 「IT Environment」. Especially, the enterprise characteristic is the most important for Critical Factors. (2) 「Fully supporting from advanced managers」, 「The education and training of new system」and 「Coordination of vendors」of enterprise characteristic impacts on apply MES more effectively.


張百裕,2013,「物聯網 (IoT) 技術應用於整合性製造執行系統 (MES) 之研究-以光學研磨廠為例」,淡江大學管理科學學系碩士班。


